Fathom (Mermaids of Montana #3) - Elsa Jade Page 0,60

would never take this sacred moment just for her own needs.

The design of the room took the sounds, concentrating and refining and echoing back at them so that she knew this song would be emblazoned in her deepest memory even though there were no words, not even a true melody—just pure sound that held all the raw longing from what was lost like a shell held the endless power and lament of the sea.

When she came, she did so silently, in a scalding rush. All the breath washed from her like an outgoing tide, leaving her spent and adrift, but her body still vibrated in the aftermath.

Sting swayed too, as if the solo recital had sapped even his great strength. She tottered over to him and wrapped her arms tight around him, her head on his chest. He dipped his head over hers, his cheek pressed to her crown. His breath whispered down past her ear, as if she were the shell still echoing his song.

They leaned together, for how long she didn’t count.

If anything his ruined voice was even rougher when he finally whispered, “You let me sing.”

Her eyes prickled. “I didn’t let you,” she corrected gently. “That was all you.”

His arms tightened around her. “The Tritonesse and even Coriolis talk and talk about economic development and increasing immigration and taking a seat at the intergalactic council. No one has mentioned music.”

She tilted her head back to gaze up at him. “Sometimes people get so wrapped up in the big things that they forget the little things.”

He looked down at her, the pearl of his bare eyes revealed. “I am a big thing,” he pointed out. “And I will not forget.” The shell-like gleam of his eyes brightened like two diamonds, and his nostrils flared. “The music moved you,” he said, his voice dropped an octave.

Since her whole body was flush with repletion and he was standing right against her, she couldn’t very well lie about it. “It more than moved me. I think it was better than the chocolate.”

What was brighter than diamond? Now his eyes gleamed like miniature suns. “This time, sing with me.”

“Oh, I don’t have much of a voice—” She sucked in a quavering breath as his hands slipped around her waist beneath her shirt, his wide, webbed palms spanning the small of her back and then slipping down past her waistband to cup her backside.

She clung to his shoulders, her whole body once again liquid with need even though she’d already had one intense orgasm. And chocolate. Greedy, yes, but he’d be leaving soon so these zap-free orgasms were all she would have for however much longer she had. “You can make me scream,” she said breathlessly. “We’ll just turn the music up so no one hears but us.”

When he lifted her up, spun her around, and set her down on the grand piano, this time she didn’t give a literal flying fuck about the lacquer finish. Too focused on the rich taste of chocolate on his tongue when he kissed her so deep she thought she might never rise to the surface again… Until he stripped her bare and put that tongue elsewhere, as if she were his dessert cup, the only one he had left, and he was determined to get every last lick. Under her spine, the thickest strings of the piano throbbed, and her pulse took up the time, faster and faster, until she was on the verge of breaking… And then she didn’t break but soared.

The keening cry from her own throat sounded like nothing in her universe. She convulsed around him with all the power of a star going supernova. And he held her aloft through it as if no explosion would ever make him falter or let her go. When he entered her, his flesh was as hot and heavy as if he’d already melted down to his molten core and he used it to rekindle her need until they were both circling the same release.

When she cried out again, the harp in the corner sang out, and the rippling arpeggio gave voice to the impossible sensations. As the harp reached its highest strings, Sting convulsed with a ragged shout that seemed to free another burst of her own orgasmic release.

Out in the darkness, she swore the stars sang too, bursting in fireworks against the back of her eyelids and at the deepest, intimate core of her own being.

He collapsed onto her, heavy enough that she feared

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