The Father of Her Son - By Kathleen Pickering Page 0,69

her hard and entered her at the same time, entwining his fingers in hers and stretching her arms over her head to capture her completely. She rose her hips to meet him, her body tightening. A moan escaped her lips as he buried himself deep inside her.

He broke the kiss, panting, his eyes dark with passion. “Are you all right, Kelly?”

Trying to catch her breath, she nodded. “Oh, yes. I want this.” She drank in his gaze. She’d never seen him look like this. Erotic. Sensual. His focus intently on her, his face flushed, a lock of black hair falling into his eyes. “I want you, Evan.”

With a groan of surrender he captured her mouth once more, kissing her with a passion Kelly never imagined existed. As their bodies moved to the timeless and urgent rhythm of love, she finally understood what it meant to connect with a man by desire—as lovers. Holding her gaze with a look of exquisite torture, Evan drove her to orgasm with an explosion that rocked her body, mind and soul until the world fell away and nothing existed except this man in her arms, crying out in climax as her body claimed him and he, in turn, responded to her ultimate need.

* * *

DINNER HOUR HAD come and gone when they finally came up for air. They’d made a trail of lovemaking from Evan’s loft, to his shower to back downstairs in Kelly’s bed. Now showered again, sated, their hair still wet and both naked beneath light robes, they sat next to each other on the couch, feeding each other sushi that had just been delivered.

Evan refilled her flute with his favorite Winston Churchill Pol Roger champagne that he’d opened to celebrate the moment—and their meal.

He toasted her with his glass one more time. “Woman, you are an amazing lover.”

She sipped her champagne, a playful light in her eyes. “’Tis all your fault, to be sure.”

“Mine? How?”

“Aye. You are so dastardly handsome and those mitts of yours know exactly how to touch me.”

He smiled. “That’s because you are every man’s dream come true.”

“So, I didn’t disappoint you?”

“You’re kidding, right?”

Small color rose on her cheeks. “Technically, you are not my first, but you are the first and only man I’ve known by choice.”

She’d been such a natural lover that this fact had immediately slipped away with their first kiss. He chuckled. “Did you know your brogue becomes more pronounced when you’ve been sexually satisfied?”

Her grin reached her eyes which seemed softer and less tense than they had earlier today. “Does it now? And how would you be knowing that I’ve been satisfied?”

He buried a hand in her loose-flowing hair and pulled her close for a slow, deep kiss. He whispered, “Does, Oh, God, I’m coming! count as proof—over and over again?”

She laughed out loud. “I said that?”

He fed her another piece of sushi, watching as her mouth slid the morsel from the chop sticks. “I rest my case.”

He popped a piece into his mouth. They chewed in amicable silence.

“So tell me, Red.”


“Why the change?”

She swallowed. “Meaning?”

“Well, when we got the license you insisted our marriage would be in name only.” He motioned to their nakedness. “Now, here we are.”

She pressed her lips together as if trying to choose her words. “The answer is simple. Matt. He called you Dad and something inside me shifted. I...”

A hook of hope caught his gut. “Yes?”

“I wanted to thank you. Let you know how grateful I am.”

He felt deflated. “Not that I’m complaining, but this was all one big thank-you?”

She bit her lower lip. “It started that way but lasted for about ten seconds. Then my body took over and nothing you could have said or done would have stopped me. I wanted you.”

He looked cautious. “So, should I read into what you’re saying?”

“Please do not, Evan. At least, not yet.”

“Does it make our impending nuptials tomorrow seem easier?”

The smile of gratitude that filled her face practically stopped his heart. “Aye, Evan. I’ll not be shunning you anytime soon.”

Evan’s phone began ringing from the kitchen counter. Evan frowned at the ring tone. “That’s Sarah. Why would she be calling now?”

* * *

EVAN ANSWERED HIS phone. “Hey, Sarah. Everything okay?”

“Hate to bother you, Evan, but you have to turn on the ten o’clock news. I just got wind of an interview Dean did with Senator Campbell this afternoon.”

“What?” Evan looked at Kelly, knowing his tentative bond with her just fell through the floor. Steve hadn’t even given him the benefit Copyright 2016 - 2024