The Father of Her Son - By Kathleen Pickering Page 0,6

it’s time your mug took front and center on the Wall of Fame. Don’t you think?”

“Ahh, I thought you’d never offer!”

Matt had grown bored with their conversation and slid off his stool. A booth just outside Kelly’s office was designated as the rest station for family and staff. Matt tugged on Evan’s jacket and pointed to the booth. “Wanna play with my Lego?”

Evan actually looked disappointed. “Sorry, Matt-man. I have to get back to the office. How about we’ll build a spaceship next time?”

“Okay. I’m gonna start mine now!”

Kelly watched him climb into the booth beneath a large framed photo of her and Matt, taken by holding the camera at arm’s length. She smiled. “Again, Evan, thank you for the theater tickets. I hope to repay the gesture one day.”

He wiped his plate with a chunk of bread. “Dinner with me on Saturday night will work wonders to assuage my damaged pride.” The way one eyebrow arched to complement that crooked, playful smile made her stomach flip-flop.

“But, you know...”

He interrupted before she finished her worn-out declaration of no dating. “It’s not a date. It’s dinner for Matt for his birthday.”

The cable man appeared through the door. Bunny glanced her way before leading the man to the back corner of the building.

Guilt tugged on Kelly like an anchor around her neck as she watched the cable guy disappear into her office. Evan had easily forgiven her for not airing his show this morning, but from his excitement yesterday over snagging that interview with the awful Buzz Campbell, not supporting him had hurt Evan even if the circumstance did appear out of her control. She’d have to make amends this time simply to allay her own guilty feelings.

She swallowed hard. “It’s Tuesday, Evan. Do I have to give you an answer now?”

He shrugged. “I am a busy man, Kelly Sullivan. I don’t make time for just anyone. I’d appreciate a commitment.”

His lips twitched to keep from grinning. She liked that, but at the same time she chafed at pushy men. Kelly chided herself. Evan had been sweet with his continued offers to take her out. Seven years of celibacy was a hard taskmaster. Staring into Evan’s smiling eyes made it difficult to drum up reasons to support her stringent decision.

She was a different person from the scared and lonely girl he’d met seven years ago. She had full control of her world now. Yet, she could not deny that if Evan wasn’t so headstrong or ambitious, his looks alone could be enough to make her say yes.

Could she handle one dinner with Evan—especially with Matt in the mix? Matt worshipped Evan. He would love the time with him. Or would the dinner give Matt ideas about Evan becoming a part of their private life? She needed more time to stew over the invitation.

“Ask me later, Your Majesty. I need to take one more look at the FBI records to make sure you’re not a wanted felon.”

He finished the last of his coffee. “Then yes it is, Red. Those records will come up clean. We’ll confirm details Saturday morning. Thanks for breakfast.”

He eased off the stool and waved to Matt before exiting the diner, whistling.

Bunny sidled up next to her, watching Evan leave. “I told the cable man the cord got caught under the chair wheel. I’m making him shorten the cable line.”

Kelly wrapped an arm around her friend for a brief squeeze. “Brilliant solution, Bunny. Thank you.”

She shrugged. “Well, your plan of pulling the cable to land a date couldn’t have worked any better.”

“That was no plan!”

Bunny moved to a table with new customers. “Then why else would you take such a drastic measure to get his undivided attention?”

Kelly left that question unanswered. Better to endure the smile on Bunny’s face—which would surely last past lunch—rather than explain the truth. “It’s a birthday dinner for Matt. He’s going to love it.”

Matt heard his name and pulled his attention from his building bricks. “Does Evan know I want a homemade ice-cream cake?”

Bunny burst into laughter.

Kelly headed for the next customer. “No, son, but I’ll surely tell him.”


ONE FACT CONSUMED Evan’s thoughts as he headed back to the office. Kelly hadn’t said no to Saturday night. This was the closest he’d gotten to a yes from her and he hightailed it out of Neverland before she could reconsider her halfhearted agreement.

When he’d first returned to New York, Steve Fiore said Kelly owned the revamped Neverland diner. Evan’s heart did a little twist when Copyright 2016 - 2024