Fated Mate Conquered - Luna Voss Page 0,65

The Vostra always use citizen planets for interfamily meetings, the logic being that the heavy presence of Imperial law enforcement will minimize either party’s incentive to use violence. We’ve had our men scope out the meeting place in advance, and as far as we can tell, it’s just a neutral restaurant in a populated area.

We dock our ship in the capital city and make our way as a small group through the downtown area. It’s not far from the spaceport to the restaurant, and so we decide to walk. I walk next to Metturion, holding hands with Kora. Rojan, Geddion, and Milana are close behind, along with several other Butarza soldiers. All of us are carrying concealed weapons. Even Kora has a small plasma pistol that I insisted she tuck into her boot. It’s very unlikely that a situation will occur in which we have to use these weapons, but we’ll have them if we need them.

The star of the day, though, is Rizban. He’s with us as well, flanked by our two biggest associates. Despite their close eye on him, the real protection against his escape is implanted under his skin: a tiny device containing a lethal dose of fast-acting poison, which will be delivered instantly if he travels more than 30 feet from the transmitter in Metturion’s pocket. That’s our assurance. If the Gordulla Family wants Rizban back, they need that transmitter, too, or all they’re going to get is his corpse.

“That’s the place,” says the underboss, pointing across the street. “Reggie’s.”

I feel a sense of determined calm come over me as we cross the street and head through the front door of the restaurant. It’s time to finish this thing. Sure, it would be more satisfying for me to see Rizban dead, but getting to capture and humiliate him like this is a close second. I’m still having the last laugh after what he put me through. The terms of this negotiation are going to be brutal for the Gordulla Family. I know that Metturion has every intention of playing hardball, and giving Rizban’s father the impression that we’re just as happy to kill him as we are to give him back.

It’s no surprise to me that every other patron in the restaurant is an unsuppressed Voorian. There are no civilians here. These are Gordulla goons. I scan their faces, searching for Tullionitus, whom I’ve met a couple of times. Unless his appearance has changed considerably since our last meeting, he doesn’t seem to be present.

A human greets us. The restaurant owner, I presume. He nods as we enter, and then scurries to change the sign on the door to closed.

There’s a table in the center of the room. Metturion steps up to it, leaving the rest of us where we’re standing. “Let’s do some business, then. Where’s Tullionitus?”

One of the Gordullas steps up to the table as well. “Tullionitus isn’t here.”

Metturion looks slightly taken aback. “Hello, Dazan. Tullionitus didn’t want to come for his own son?”

The other gangster grins. “Tullionitus was about to bargain away our future for the sake of a stupid kid. He isn’t around anymore. I’m the boss of the Gordulla Family now.”

My eyes flash open with shock, although I cover the reaction as best I can. Tullionitus Gordulla being overthrown as the head of his Family is a huge development. One that could potentially change everything.

“Congratulations,” says Metturion dryly. “You inherited a team that’s losing.” He turns back to us. “Bring Rizban forward.”

Two of our men push Rizban to the center. He looks thin and pale from his time in captivity, but his eyes flash with hatred.

“Fuck you,” he spits, and I realize that he’s talking to Dazan, not Metturion. “You murdered my dad?”

Dazan Gordulla smirks. “I assure you, it was only business. And I wouldn’t use the word murdered. More like, disposed of. You know, the way you would a pet after it outstays its welcome.”

This new Gordulla boss has some pretty weird ideas about pets. And clearly, there’s a lot more division within internal Gordulla Family politics than we realized. I’m starting to get a sneaking suspicion that Dazan isn’t going to value Rizban’s life nearly the same way his father did.

“Let’s talk terms,” Metturion growls.

“First, a drink,” says Dazan, seeming to enjoy having the attention of the entire room. He walks across the restaurant to the bar and pulls a bottle off the top shelf. “Let’s see…”

And then the Gordulla boss does something odd: he ducks behind the bar.


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