Fated Mate Conquered - Luna Voss Page 0,63

suppress a shudder. The fangs of a male Voorian have a powerful, primal effect. I feel myself trembling as he brings them closer to my neck.

“I’m going to mark you again,” he whispers in my ear. “A reminder.”

“A renewal,” I whimper, my heart racing. “Please. I want it.”

I feel brief pain, and then white-hot pleasure as Turan sinks his fangs into my neck, injecting his pigment right above his first mark. Just like last time, the intensity of it brings me to tears, and I reach my head forward to kiss him, not even waiting for him to retract his fangs.

When the kiss breaks, I see that Turan’s eyes are wide open with amazement. He glances to the side of the bed. “Look.”

I turn, and through my haze of pleasure and emotion, I see that our bed is now floating in the air five feet above the floor.

“That’s you,” says Turan. “That’s you doing that.”

I open my mouth, then close it. And I feel it. I feel the energy I’m exerting to keep us there. Slowly, I start to release the energy, and our bed descends until it lands gently on the ground.

Turan kisses me as we touch down. I sigh happily, wrapping myself around him.



The next day, Turan takes me outside to show me something on the grounds. I hold his hand as we walk, my heart lighter than it has been since before I went into heat. I feel so close to him. Until last night, I’d only ever experienced flashes of the joy Aspen described feeling around her Fated Mate. Now it’s hard for me to picture a life without him.

He leads me to a big open field surrounded by a tall fence. On one end are a series of goalposts that appear to be intended for some kind of sport. On the other are a number of stone spheres of various sizes, all piled together.

“What’s this?” I ask, bemused.

“Something you don’t see a lot these days,” says Turan. “This court is intended for Voorian women to practice their powers.”

“Am I supposed to get the rocks through the goalposts?” I ask, putting two and two together.

“Yup, exactly. I thought you might have fun with it.”

“Sweet of you.” I nuzzle him, then point to a small cottage next to the fence. “What’s that for?”

He flashes me a mischievous grin. “That’s for couples. You know, in case the female needs to, uh, recharge her powers.”

I laugh, resisting the urge to take his hand and lead him straight into the cottage. “I see. I’m sure you and I couldn’t possibly find a use for that.”

I spend the afternoon with him practicing levitating and then throwing the stones. It’s quite difficult. I’m not even sure which part is harder, the lifting, or the aiming. But I get better at it as we practice, and soon, I even start to make good shots on the goalposts nearest to me.

It’s just as Turan is picking me up to carry me into the cottage that we hear footsteps approaching. He puts me down, grinning, and holds my hand as one of Metturion’s guards comes up to the fence.

“Kora,” he greets me, bowing his head respectfully. Then he turns to my mate. “Turan, Metturion sent me to find you. There’s news. Tullionitus Gordulla sent his reply.”

“And?” Turan says quickly, suddenly animated.

“We have a sitdown,” the Voorian tells him. “In a week’s time. He’s willing to end the war on our terms in exchange for the safe return of his son.”


Kora begs me to let her come to the sitdown with the Gordulla Family. Against my better judgment, I give in. How could I not? She was instrumental to the mission in which we captured Rizban in the first place, making all of this possible. On top of that, and probably the real reason, I just don’t want to be apart from her. The thought of not getting to see her for two weeks or more while I handle this business is unbearable.

Besides, this situation is entirely different from the last one. This isn’t a dangerous mission. It’s a meeting between two Families who are already predisposed to come to favorable terms. And anyway, after seeing her prowess throwing rocks with her ability, it’s hard for me to think of her as vulnerable the way I did before. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Kora, it’s that there’s more to her than meets the eye. I still consider it my duty to protect her, but

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