Fated Mate Conquered - Luna Voss Page 0,58

satisfied. Due to the nature of sending messages across light-years of space, I didn’t get the satisfaction of looking Tullionitus in the eyes as I threatened to kill his firstborn son. But I did get the satisfaction of relaying that sentiment. And boy, was it satisfying. The Gordulla Family has been doing major damage to our organization since the war with them started. Now it’s time for that to stop.

By the look on Metturion’s face, I can tell he feels the same way. He’s even more intimately connected to the inner workings of the Family than I am, and I can only imagine the frustration this gang war has brought him. Soon, it will all be over.

Our message was simple: Rizban’s life for the end of the war. On our terms, to be negotiated at a sitdown. Due to the circumstances, these terms will be significantly favorable to our Family, likely including the concession of territory and the payment of a sizable war tribute.

It might be another day or two before we receive Tullionitus’s response. But there’s no doubt that we’ve gotten his attention.

“We’re having a little gathering out back,” says Metturion as we walk together through the mansion. The intensity he displayed in the comm room is fading, and a friendlier, more casual side of him is taking over. “Just a couple of the local Vostra families, and a few singles who wanted to meet your men. They’re both unmated, right?”

“That’s right,” I confirm, smiling slightly as I remember my own experiences at such gatherings when I was younger. From my experience, women raised in the Vostra culture tend to be very interested in snagging a made vostrat for themselves, and can oftentimes be quite forward about it. I imagine Rojan is currently experiencing a bit of culture shock right this very moment.

As Metturion and I turn the corner, I see Kora inside by the window, sitting by herself. There’s a door nearby that seems to lead outside, and Metturion’s wife Gorrutvia comes in through it, approaching my mate.

“Is anything the matter, dear?” Gorrutvia asks her kindly.

Kora doesn’t hear her. But she raises her head when Gorrutvia gets closer, and there’s an expression of anger and frustration on her face.

“Okay, seriously! Can you leave me alone?” Kora snaps at Metturion’s mate.

Anger flashes through me. I don’t think Kora realized who she was talking to when she spoke out, but it is utterly unacceptable for her to speak that way to the underboss’s wife.

“Kora,” I growl, stalking up to her and grabbing her by the upper arm. I pull her out of her chair into a standing position and keep my hand on her, making sure she knows that she’s in trouble. Her face goes red, and she doesn’t meet my eyes.

I lower my voice, imbuing it with every drop of authority that I know how. “When you are a guest in someone else’s house, you treat them with respect,” I hiss. “Go to your room. Now. And you had better be standing in the corner when I get there to deal with you.”

“I don’t have a room here,” she says in a small voice, staring at the floor.

I turn to the underboss next to me. “Metturion, do you have a guestroom we can use?”

He nods, and I can tell by his expression that he respects the way I’m dealing with Kora. “Of course. Up the stairs to your right. You can use any room on that floor.”

I flash him a grateful look, and he just gives me a little shrug, as if to say it happens. Then I take Kora by the arm and lead her forcefully upstairs.


It feels like it’s an hour later when Turan finally comes to get me from the guestroom. And I’m not standing in the corner. I’m lying on the bed.

“Where did I tell you to be?” he growls immediately, shutting the door behind him.

“In the corner,” I say. “But honestly, I could give a rat’s ass.”

I don’t even know why I’m being rude to him. In truthfulness, I feel terrible for speaking that way to Gorrutvia. She seems like a genuinely nice lady, and she was being a good host. I didn’t even realize it was her until the words were out of my mouth.

But for whatever reason, I’m just possessed by this urge to push Turan’s buttons. I guess maybe I want him to show he cares, to get some kind of reaction out of him. I don’t even know. In the

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