Fated Mate Conquered - Luna Voss Page 0,43

mate, I hope you know your choices matter to me.”

“Unless I want to leave our hotel room,” I mutter.

“That’s a different matter,” he says firmly. “We’re in a dangerous situation that I didn’t intend to bring you into. In that case, my responsibility as your mate to keep you safe is the most important thing.”

“Okay, well, if my choice matters, I don’t want to be spanked anymore.”

“You don’t want me to spank you tonight?”

“I don’t want you to spank me ever,” I say, putting as much emphasis on the word as I can. Maybe I’m just being reactive, but I don’t care.

A very long pause. “If that is what you wish, Kora, I shall respect it.”

I start to get up, but he stops me, holding me down on the bed.


“I thought you said you were going to respect my wish not to be punished anymore.”

“I said I wasn’t going to spank you anymore,” he clarifies. “But it is still my job to ensure your safety. You’ve made it quite clear that without any correction, you’re going to make choices that will put you at risk. That will put our mission at risk. That requires a response.”

Turan walks to the other side of the room, and I can hear him rustling around in his luggage. “Thankfully,” he says, striding back to the bed, “there are other means of enforcing dominance.”

I glance over my shoulder, and I see him lubing up a shiny metal butt plug. My cheeks go hot as I realize there’s only one thing he could possibly intend to do with it.

“Don’t fight me, Kora, this is going inside you,” he says, sliding the plug down my crack until he finds my little hole. I gasp as he pops it inside, feeling suddenly very full.

“Up, now,” he says, helping me to my feet. “In the corner. Go.”

He leads me over to the corner of the bedroom and positions me with my nose facing the wall. I feel spectacularly undignified as I stand there with my panties around my ankles and a plug in my ass.

“Hands at your sides,” he orders, and then he presses on my plug until it makes me whimper. His fingers move lower, brushing my pussy, which I’m embarrassed to realize is slightly wet from his rough treatment. Behind me, I hear him smile. “I’ll be back in a little while to check your wetness,” he says. “You’re going to stay here until I give you permission to move, and you’re not allowed to come tonight. If you’re good, maybe I’ll let you come tomorrow.”


I sit in the living room going over plans, trying not to fume. Everything has been going so well. We know where Rizban is, and we even have a plan to catch him. Then I come home, all excited to share that plan with Kora, and I find that my mate has disobeyed me, and is nowhere to be found. If anything, I’m just glad it only happened around Geddion and Rojan, whom I consider to be friends. Around most other vostrata, it would mean significant dishonor for my mate to publicly disobey me in such a way.

It’s a little hard for me not to be hurt that Kora doesn’t want me to spank her anymore. I’ve never heard of any Vostra woman demanding such a thing of her mate. Usually, it’s seen as a sign of a couple growing apart when the male ceases to enforce strict discipline. It’s something most elders in our society, both men and woman, would describe as a breakdown of the relationship.

But I’m determined not to let that happen. I will, of course, respect Kora’s wishes, and look for other ways of enforcing discipline without corporal punishment. The corner seems like it might work well enough for now. It’s something I’ve used in the past with women who enjoyed spanking too much for it to work as true punishment, and I don’t see any reason to think it wouldn’t be effective with Kora.

Still, I can’t help but worry that I’m having this kind of issue when our relationship is so new. This is supposed to be the puppy love stage. The honeymoon period. I guess maybe this is what happens when your honeymoon is a dangerous mission to kidnap a Voorian gangster.

I go back into the bedroom to check on Kora. She’s standing against the wall just as I left her, rubbing her bottom. As I enter, she quickly returns her hands to her sides. I

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