Fated Mate Conquered - Luna Voss Page 0,41

cock twitches, releasing my hot seed into Kora’s mouth. Her eyes go wide and she slows down her movements, as though trying to catch it all. She keeps my cock in her mouth, sucking gently as my climax fades. Finally, I pull out, and she looks me in the eyes before she swallows. For a moment, I can barely think. Everything is gone, obliterated by this perfect, sexy being in front of me. I can’t believe she’s mine.

Then I bend down and give her a rough, dominating kiss. “I’m going out now,” I tell her. “You stay here. When I come back, you’re going to be butt-naked and waiting for me by the door. You’re going to ask me how my day was and offer me a drink. Then I’m going to knot you and come in your pussy.”



Although it does relieve some stress, my most recent spanking does very little to improve my behavior. The day after, I’m still resentful about being forced to stay in the suite. I come very close to earning another “attitude adjustment” the next morning, despite being knotted the night before. By the time Turan comes home to have dinner with me, it’s hard not to be annoyed with him. I basically bite my tongue while we eat, and then go to bed early. If he’s going to keep me cooped up, he’s going to learn that having a sweet, affectionate mate means giving her some freedom.

I wake up in the middle of the night. When I roll over to cuddle with Turan, I find that he’s gone. I’m alone in bed. I sit up, frustrated, then head out to the living room. No Turan. He’s not in the suite at all.

This makes me feel very alone. I know I’m not really part of the mission, but the fact that he didn’t even bother to tell me he was leaving, or where he was going, just sucks. I get that there are things he has to handle himself, but I want us to be a team. He could at least keep me in the loop.

For a moment, my frustration spills over, and I find myself feeling really angry at him. He may not have planned to bring me here, but I just feel so disrespected. It’s like he doesn’t take me seriously at all, like he wants to keep me as a pet.

Well, if he’s not going to treat me like part of the team, I’m not going to treat him like the team captain. A view minutes later, I’m dressed and heading out the front door, not bothering to take my portable communicator with me.

Time to go on an adventure.


“You’re sure it’s him?” I ask the green-skinned Dajorkan in front of me.

“Definitely,” he confirms, his antenna wiggling. “He’s been coming to the private game all month. Tends to win, too.”

I pass him a chip containing a hefty sum of credits. “Thank you. And there will be more for you after we catch him. The Butarza Family doesn’t forget loyalty.”

The Dajorkan casino worker scurries away, returning to his shift. I stride through the casino floor, walking past card tables and slot machines, filled with a sense of triumph. Rizban Gordulla is here.

I can’t wait to share the news with Kora. I know she isn’t happy here. Soon we’ll be gone, and the scumbag who almost got me executed by the Empire will be in our custody.

Or dead, if he tries to run. But I shouldn’t get my hopes up.

I ride the shuttle back to the section of the Tajiki Comet that Kora and I are staying in. As we stop to let on more passengers, I see a woman who looks just like Kora waiting nervously for a different shuttle. I peer at her through the window, but then the crowd moves, blocking her from sight. A moment later, the shuttle is moving again, and she’s gone.

I must’ve imagined it, I think as I head back to our room. I’m just thinking about my mate, is all. I’m just excited to crawl back into bed with her.

But as I creep into our bedroom and lean down to kiss her head, something becomes gut-wrenchingly apparent:

Kora is gone.

I do a frantic search of the suite, but she’s nowhere to be found. Next I call her communicator, but the sound of it ringing from the bedroom makes it clear she doesn’t have it on her. My heart sinks. If Rizban has touched her, I’m going to kill

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