Fated Mate Conquered - Luna Voss Page 0,32

“Let me know as soon as you’re inside,” he replies finally.

“Will do,” I say, starting to move faster now that I’m near my destination. I can already feel a mild sense of relief. It’s not that I was nervous, exactly, but it will be good to return to the artificial gravity of the ship.

As I reach for the handhold closest to the airlock, my glove slips, or maybe I don’t grab it correctly in the darkness. I reach out with my other hand to try to correct, my action instinctive, and instead, I bash it on the metal handle, hurting my thumb. I cry out in pain, my fingers reaching desperately for the handle, but it’s already out of reach. I begin to float away from the ship with an almost painful slowness, pushed by the reactive force from when I hit my hand.

“Kora!” I hear Turan screaming through the comm system. My whole body goes cold with dread as I move through space, unable to change my trajectory. I flail my limbs wildly, pointlessly.

And then I see the tether. Out of reach, but close. It’s floating lazily, rippling, its frayed, severed end not more than five feet away. I reach for it, straining with everything I have, but it’s no use. The cable is just too far. I keep trying, feeling my face screw up with the effort, putting everything I have into trying to extend my arm beyond its natural capacity.

The tether moves. Jerks. In my direction. My heart pounding with fear, I continue to strain and the cable moves closer, as though pulled by some invisible force. I put everything I have into what I’m doing, ignoring Turan’s frantic voice buzzing in my ear. A tremendous effort later, the tether is in my hand. I grab it tightly, relief washing over me, and then begin to climb it hand over hand back to the ship.

“I’m going after her,” I hear Turan say. “Pressurize the fucking airlock!”

“No!” I call back quickly. “Turan, I’m okay. I’m holding onto the tether cable. I’m climbing it back to the airlock now. Don’t close the door.”

Even over the comm system, I can hear his sigh of relief. I keep following the cable, clinging to it like the lifeline it is, until I reach the hatch and pull myself inside. I don’t let go of the tether until the door is fully shut behind me.

Turan watches me through the airlock window as the cabin repressurizes, his chest heaving. The moment the door to the rest of the ship opens, he rushes inside and picks me off my feet, wrapping his arms around me. I hug him back, surprised by the rush of emotion I feel.

“I’m safe,” I squeak, feeling tiny in his arms.

He doesn’t say anything, just keeps holding me tightly, not letting me go. Finally, he plants a kiss on my forehead and releases me. I glance at Geddion and Rojan, who are standing awkwardly nearby, both of them looking impressed.

“That took some serious guts,” says Rojan.

“Yeah, that was cool,” Geddion agrees.



“And… we’re back online!” Rojan grins at me over his shoulder as he runs a test on the hyperspace engine. “Looks like whatever you did to clear the vents did the trick.”

“Get us moving,” orders Turan. “I want us back on course as soon as possible.”

“You got it,” the Vostra recruit replies, and I watch through the viewscreen as he engages the hyperdrive and the stars all around us turn into glowing lines that streak past. “We’re at full speed.”

“Good,” Turan grunts. “Geddion, Rojan, you two have the bridge. Kora and I are going to take some time together in private.”

I feel oddly affectionate as he puts his arm around me and leads me back to the bedroom we now share. I’m still buzzing with adrenaline, my whole body wide-awake, and the thought of him pinning me down and stretching me open with his cock is suddenly quite appealing. I feel like I’ve earned it, you know?

But when we enter the cabin and the door slides shut behind us, Turan doesn’t pounce on me the way I’d expected. Instead, he sits down on the bed and pats the spot next to him for me to do the same.

I join him on the bed, feeling suddenly apprehensive. I thought I was going to get fucked. But Turan isn’t acting sexual.

“Those vents were absolutely disgusting,” I say, trying to lighten the mood. “You really need to make sure you empty them before you

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