Fated Lies (Lies #3) - Ella Miles Page 0,13

Maybe meeting someone so pure, innocent, and kind would persuade Liesel to my side.

A loud banging noise startles me, and I jump up.

Liesel jumps up as well.

“What was that?” she whispers, wrapping my leather jacket tighter around her. She hasn’t taken it off. I want it to be because the jacket comforts her and makes her feel like I’m wrapped around her, protecting her. But she also hasn’t changed out of her dress or heels, so I can’t read much into her still wearing my jacket.

“Someone’s on the boat,” I say back.

I find the gun I gave Liesel and hand it to her once again. She takes it weakly, like holding the gun disgusts her.

“Have a problem holding a gun? You didn’t seem to have a problem using one to shoot my best friend,” I growl at her, still pissed off.

“I hate this world,” she mutters almost to herself as she readjusts how she holds the gun like a pro. She may resist this world. She may act like she doesn’t belong. But the way she holds a gun and carries herself, combined with her devious and conniving methods means she belongs as much or more than any of us.

“Stay here. I’ll go take care of the danger. The bedrooms are the safest place. I’ll put it in emergency lockdown mode. I won’t even be able to get back in without you unlocking the door.”

I stand up and pull out my own gun. I’m sure it’s just another failed attempt to get information about the treasure from Liesel or me. I’ll be able to squash whomever this is quickly, but I should move the yacht out to sea to make it harder for us to be attacked.

I consider calling Enzo or Kai to let them know we are being attacked in case I’m wrong and I need their help, but I think better of it. I don’t need their help, and I don’t want them to worry, not when they should be taking care of Siren and making sure she lives.

I walk to the door before I hear Liesel’s strong voice, “Stay.”

I turn and look at her.

She’s breathing hard, her eyes wild, and she climbs out of bed and runs over to me.

“If this is the safest place to be, then stay. We can wait whomever out.”

I smirk. “Worried about my safety?”

She frowns. “No, but I know what it’s like to grow up without a father, and I don’t want to have to find your kids a new one because you are too proud to call for help when you need it.”

Liesel’s worried about me. It warms and pisses me off at the same time. She has no right to care about me.

“Liar,” I say. She can pretend she’s looking out for my kids all she wants, but I know the truth. She only ever looks out for herself.

She blinks like I just slapped her. “Is it so wrong of me to care?”

I touch her cheek. “It’s only wrong of you to say you care because of my kids. You’re selfish, Liesel. You care about me because you are the one who wants to destroy me.”

She shakes her head angrily and steps back. “You’re right. I lied. You are my only chance at killing the danger outside this door. I just want you to be smart so that I don’t end up stuck in this room without food or water. This gun isn’t enough to protect me, and I don’t trust you to protect me.”

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. No matter how many attackers are out there, I’ll be able to protect you. I never lose.”

And then I kiss her to piss her off.

The kiss starts that way as she tries to push me back with her hand on my chest. Her lips push me away as she bares her teeth, but when her back hits the wall, she moans. She slips up and parts her lips just enough for my tongue to push between her full lips. And her hand grips, instead of pushes, at my shirt.

And then we are kissing, not fighting. It seems the only time we aren’t fighting is when our bodies are pressed together. I want more and more and more.

Her moans prove she doesn’t want the kiss to stop either.

A loud booming sound jerks us away from each other as we both pant hard.

“Why do I enjoy kissing you so much when all I want to do the rest of the time is end your life?”

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