Fate (Steel Brothers Saga #13) - Helen Hardt Page 0,20

You’re supermodel material, love.”

I warmed all over. “I just… I don’t know. I’m just me, you know?”

“I’ll settle for friendship, of course. You’re a lovely person.”

“Thank you. You’re my only friend here so far.”

“What about your roommate? The cute little redhead?”

“Patty. She’s nice, but she’s…”

“Off with a guy?”

I smiled. “Yeah.”

“So why aren’t you, then?”

“I’m just not ready for any of that. Nothing serious, anyway. Seems like all these college guys are after sex.”

That got a laugh out of him. “Can’t say you’re wrong about that.”

“I’m not interested in going there yet.”

“No hurry. Anyone who tries to make you go faster than you’re comfortable with isn’t who you need.”

“I know.”

“And the caveman…?”

“I’m here, aren’t I? He’s not forcing me into anything, but he wants to see me tomorrow night.”

“And what do you want, love?”

“I don’t know.”

Except that I did. I wanted to be with Brad Steel. I wanted to give him everything he wanted. Everything I wasn’t ready to give.

“Well, hang with me. Hands off, I promise. But if you ever change your mind…”

I smiled. “Nice to know. You look sort of like a better-looking Prince Charles. Sound like him too.” Funny I hadn’t noticed the resemblance until Brad pointed it out.

“The Queen’s English. I was raised in London. I’m not a lord, but my father is. Technically I’m the Honourable Ennis Ainsley.” He bowed.

“Really? That’s cool.”

“Just means my father was granted a life peerage. I can’t inherit it, though, and my children won’t have any title.”

“Well, it’s cool anyway.” I took another drink.

A cute blonde joined us. “Hey, Ennis!”

“Hi, Molly.” He returned her hug. “This is Daphne.”

“Hi!” Molly said excitedly.

“Nice to meet you,” I said.

She turned back to Ennis. Clearly, he was the one she’d come to talk to. They chatted about nothing in particular, and I felt myself fade into the background.


I was invisible.

I’d felt this way since the hospitalization. Crowds like this ate me up. Consumed me. Swallowed me.

“Hey, gorgeous.”

I jolted. A tall guy touched my shoulder.

“Hi,” I said.

“Want to dance?”

I looked around. “Are people dancing?”

“A few.”

Ennis was still chatting with Molly. My nerves skittered. Did I want to dance? I’d never danced with a guy before. I didn’t go to prom. No one asked me, and I wasn’t going to go alone or with friends.

Besides, I didn’t have any close friends in high school. Most of them lost interest in me when I disappeared junior year.

What was the harm? He seemed nice.


He led me over to a small area where a few couples were dancing slowly to the music. He pulled me close, and I copied what the other girls were doing, wrapping my arms around his neck.

The music was louder over here, so we didn’t talk. I just danced with a nameless stranger.

He was a gentleman. Didn’t try to touch anything he shouldn’t. Not that I thought he would. I wasn’t sure why I was hyperaware of things he shouldn’t touch, but I was.

And he didn’t.

When the song ended, he said, “Want to get a drink?”

“I’m not drinking tonight.”


“Last night’s mixture had a detrimental effect.”

“Yeah, that stuff was brutal. Can’t blame you.”

“What’s your name?”

“Leif. You?”


“Nice to meet you, Daphne.”

“You too.”

“I’ll get you a virgin.”

My brows nearly flew off my forehead. “A what?”

“A virgin drink. You know, no alcohol?”

“Oh. Yeah, thanks.”

What was wrong with me? I had virgin on the brain. I felt like it was stamped across my forehead in big red letters.

Leif returned with two drinks and handed me one.

“Thanks,” I said.

“You’re welcome. What’s your major?”

Classic college question. To which I had no answer. “I’m not sure yet. I’m going to get all my requirements out of the way this year and see what interests me the most.”

“You must be interested in something.”

Was I? I used to enjoy writing, but I got out of the habit when I lost so much time during junior year. Writing was difficult when you couldn’t remember parts of your own life.

“English, I think,” I said. “Maybe philosophy. How about you?”

“Engineering. It’s a five-year program, so I’ll be here an extra year.”

“Oh. Interesting.” Though it really wasn’t.

“My father and my older brother are both engineers. It’s what’s expected.”

“Do you want to be an engineer?”

“Doesn’t really matter what I want.”

“Of course it matters.”

He laughed and took a drink. “Dad’s paying the bills, so I study what he wants. That’s the deal.”

“What if that weren’t the deal?” I asked.

“It is.”

“But if it weren’t, what would you study?”


“What kind of science.”

“Biology. Zoology. I’d like to be a veterinarian.”

“Then that’s what you should be.”


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