The Fate of the Muse - By Derrolyn Anderson Page 0,41

rummaging through the fridge for some milk.

“You look all crapped out,” she said, as I slid her over a mug, “Why don’t you just call Ethan already?”

“I will,” I said, wondering what I should say.

A few minutes later Cruz came back in, followed by a freshly showered Bradley.

“You remember Brad, right?” he said.

Shayla and I exchanged a glance and smiled, wishing him a good morning. I offered him coffee, but he declined, saying he needed to get going to work. Cruz walked him out the door. After a few minutes he came back and sat down at the granite counter quietly.

“Do you want some coffee?” I asked.

He looked at me and Shayla apprehensively, “OK.” I poured him a cup that sat untouched while he nervously picked at the black polish on his fingernails.

“Are you okay?” I asked gently.

He pressed his lips together with determination, “I have something to tell you guys…” There was a pregnant pause, “Me and Bradley are more than just friends.”

“Uhm, okay,” I said, “He seems nice.”

“Really?” he looked up incredulously, “Aren’t you shocked?”

Shayla and I exchanged another glance, and I could see she was biting her lip to keep from laughing.

“Not really,” I said, adding, “He does seem like a nice guy.”

Cruz slumped with relief, taking a deep shaky breath. He looked like someone who had just put down a huge burden.

“What will Megan say?” he fretted. This time Shayla couldn’t contain her laughter, snorting with mirth.

“Cruz,” I said gently, “She’s happy if you’re happy.”

He rolled his eyes at Shayla sarcastically, but couldn’t help smiling. A minute later his face darkened, “Yeah, I guess Megan won’t care. But what about mom? And Ethan… and Dutch… Oh God–” his voice cracked and he dropped his head into his hands.

I came around the counter and put my arm around him, “Cruz, it’s okay… Don’t you know that? Abby just wants for you to be happy– that’s all! Who you love doesn’t matter… because we all love you.”

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes, throwing his arms around me.

“Totally!” Shayla chimed in, “Nobody’s gonna give a rip!”

“I guess,” Cruz’s voice was shaking, “But mom’s been like a walking hormone lately… What if the shock is bad for the baby?”

Shayla couldn’t help laughing again, but got up to join in our hug. “Don’t be stupid,” she told him, “Your mom is like, the best mom in the world!”

Cruz wiped his eyes, nodding, “Yeah, I guess I really lucked out in the family department.”

“Me too,” I said, instantly reminded of the mermaids. As bizarre as the last few months had been, I was still glad that I’d come to know them. They were part of me, part of the mother I had never gotten the chance to know, and at that moment I knew that I would never give them up… as long as I lived.

Cruz ran his fingers through his hair, fixing his bangs across his forehead, “You have no idea how hard it is keeping such a big secret about yourself.” When our eyes met, his widened, and he smiled sheepishly, “Uhm, never mind!”

I nodded sardonically. My secret was a whole lot darker than Cruz’s ever was, and he didn’t even know the half of it.

The three of us drank a pot of coffee together, all sharing the sense that our lives were about to change forever. Shayla rummaged in the fridge and made us her favorite breakfast, introducing us to toast with peanut butter, bananas and honey. Cruz told us more about Brad, gushing about how smart he was, how rich and sophisticated. He confessed that he was a little intimidated by him.

“I mean, he grew up in mansions,” he said, wide eyed, “He showed me his dad’s giant beach house and everything.”

I exhaled in exasperation, “I hope that you know he’s no better than anyone else just because his father has money.”

Cruz sighed, “He’s so perfect, I can’t imagine what he sees in me.”

“You’ve got to be kidding!” Shayla exclaimed, “You’re the smartest, most talented person I know!” She looked at me and grimaced apologetically, “No offense.”

I smiled, “None taken.” I thought about what Cruz just said and realized that I felt exactly the same way about Ethan. The only difference was, Cruz had a bright shining future ahead of him… and me? The only thing I had to offer were four more years of uncertainty and a lifetime of weirdness. Not to mention the homicidal anger.

I thought about the council meeting and squared Copyright 2016 - 2024