The Fate of the Dwarves - By Markus Heitz Page 0,71

has not left the island, as the guards assure me, there remains only you. That is an infringement of the agreement!”

Rodario had not sat down again. “Präses, who did you execute?” he stammered.

Girín rolled his eyes. “There are so many of you. How should I know who everybody is? I think it was The Incomparable Rodario.” He smirked. “The sword did for him in the end. He wasn’t as elusive as he thought. So the rebellion has lost its head, in all senses of the word. All that nonsense about liberty and resistance has gone with the wind.”

Coïra held her hand to her mouth. Rodario swayed on his feet. “Stand tall,” he murmured, pulling himself together.

Girín looked at Coïra. “Let’s get back to you…”

“You are accusing the wrong person,” the actor interrupted, pulling himself to his full height. Stand tall! “It was me!”

“You?” Präses burst out laughing. “What’s your game? You want me to die laughing?”

“As actors we have a few ways to trick our audiences. We can produce illusions with a little powder, we can turn out the lamps and we can call up demons, given a little time to prepare and the wherewithal,” he explained. “You will be acquainted with the old stories of the wonderful magister technicus Furgas? I had time enough at my disposal to arrange the escape. A friend of mine disguised himself and the two of us stormed the tower to free The Incomparable One. The orcs were stupid enough to fall for it.”

Girín stood up, then raised his left arm and beckoned. “Come here, actor.”

Wey and Coïra exchanged horrified glances.

The princess found it touching how Rodario was trying to help her but was in a quandary. If the Lohasbrander came to the conclusion that she had overstepped the terms of the agreement, her mother’s life would be in danger; but at the same time she did not want the actor to make this sacrifice. She was amazed at the bravery he was exhibiting. There was more man in Rodario than she had assumed on first meeting him.

The actor moved over to the desk and Girín studied him closely. “All right, show me how you did it,” he challenged, leaning back in his chair. “Show me your fake magic.”

“I… need time to prepare!” said Rodario, pushing up his sleeves. “Right then, for example, the ball of fire. Here you’d have a little device with special plant seeds. When I press the igniting trigger and the flint…”

Girín shook his head. “No, I don’t want explanations. I want to see the real thing.”

“I’d have to go back to Mifurdania to get my equipment.” Rodario shrugged his shoulders. “Can’t do it otherwise. Perhaps we’ll get lucky and meet those älfar that are spying round here secretly in Weyurn.”

“Of course,” said Girín in superior tones. “Älfar. We see them here all the time. Saw one the other day doing some fishing by the lake.” The orcs grunted with laughter.

“Don’t you believe me?” He turned to Coïra. “She had to take on three of them yesterday, or they’d have infiltrated Weyurn. Probably scouts. On the shore you’ll see the remains of a night-mare carcass. They’re probably still near at hand. Tell that to the Dragon. There’s more than one who’s not keeping to agreements, then.”

Präses was sunk deep in thought. Then he sent one of the orcs over to the mainland.

Coïra had to suppress a smile. Rodario had cleverly diverted attention from himself. It was clear that Girín could not allow himself to be negligent in such a matter.

“But,” said the Lohasbrander, facing Rodario again, “whatever the truth about the älfar story you’ve just fed me, it doesn’t remove your guilt.” He motioned to another orc and the creature approached the actor. “I will take you with me to Mifurdania and confront you with the guards that survived the attack. If they think it’s possible that they confused Coïra with you in women’s clothing, then the blame can be lifted from the Weyurn ruling family and nobody is harmed.” Girín nodded to the queen. “For you, Rodario the Howevermanyeth, the journey is over, one way or the other. When you arrive the contest could be finished and you will learn the name of the winner before the executioner lays your head on the block.”

The actor had gone pale; his hands were fastened behind his back with a chain the orc took from his belt. But Rodario was still standing tall, with his chin slightly raised.

Coïra looked over at her Copyright 2016 - 2024