The Fate of the Dwarves - By Markus Heitz Page 0,266

it and felt its warmth.

“I shall miss you, Scholar,” he whispered. Then, picking up the urn he left the room without looking round. The Blue Mountains were waiting for their king.

Dramatis Personae


Firstling Kingdom

Xamtor Boldface, king of the Firstlings, from the clan of the Bold Faces of Borengar’s firstling folk.

Secondling Kingdom

Boïndil Doubleblade, also known as Ireheart, from the clan of the Swinging Axes, warrior.

Boëndalin Powerthrust, his eldest son.

Thirdling Kingdom

Tungdil Goldhand, warrior and scholar.

Goda Flameheart, warrior.

Sanda and Bandaál, two of Goda’s children.

Hargorin Deathbringer, leader of the Black Squadron.

Jarkalín Blackfist, horseman with the Black Squadron.

Rognor Mortalblow, king of the thirdlings.

Fourthling Kingdom

Frandibar Gemholder of the clan of the Gold Beaters, king of the fourthlings.

Goïmslîn Fastdraw (Slîn) of the clan of the Sapphire Finders, descended from Goïmdil’s fourthling folk.

Fifthling Kingdom

Balyndis Steelfinger of the clan of the Steel Fingers, queen.

Balyndar Steelfinger of the clan of the Steel Fingers, her son.


Gordislan Starfist, king of Trovegold.

Barskalín, sytràp (commander) of the Zhadár (älfar name for the Invisibles).


Rodario the Incomparable, actor.

Rodario the Seventh, actor.

Mallenia, freedom-fighter.

Queen Wey XI, deposed queen of Weyurn.

Princess Coïra Weytana, her daughter.

Count Loytan Loytansberg, a noble in Weyurn.

Duke Amtrin, ruler in Gauragar; a vassal of the älfar.

Enslin Rotha, mayor of Hangtower.

Tilda Cooperstone, town councilor in Hangtower.

Tilman Berbusch, rebel.

Hindrek, gamekeeper.

Cobert, his eldest son.

Ortram, his youngest son.

Qelda, his wife.

Duke Pawald, vassal of the älfar.

Wislaf, Gerobert, Vlatin and Diederich, Pawald’s men.

Frederik, butcher in Topholiton.

Zedrik, sentry in Topholiton.

Uwo, fishmonger in Topholiton.

Arnfried, blacksmith in Topholiton.

Girín, official, deputy for Lohasbrand.

Rilde, farmer (f.) of large estate.

Xara, her daughter.

Mila, farmer (f.).

Grolf and Lirf, farmhands.

Lombrecht, the old farmer, Rilde’s father.

Franek, famulus.

Droman, Vot and Bumina, two famuli and one famula.


Aiphatòn, emperor of the älfar.

Sisaroth, Tirîgon and Firûsha, älfar triplets, also known as the Dsôn Aklán, the gods of Dsôn (Bhará).

Ùtsintas, älf in Dsôn Bhará.

Wielgar, Lohasbrander, henchman of Lohasbrand.

Pashbar, orc guard.

Yagur, ubari army officer in Evildam.

Pfalgur, ubari army officer in Evildam.

Fanaríl and Alysante, elves.

Ilahín, elf.

Fiëa, an elf, wife of Ilahín.


After the third volume I was convinced I had finished Tungdil Goldhand’s story. Well…

Could I have guessed that what I considered the end of the matter would have aroused so much curiosity and so many requests for the saga to be continued? It certainly took me by surprise: Eighteen months of endless emails all on the same topic. At readings (no matter which book I was reading from) people would ask about volume four. And people all wanted to know about that joke (which still has not been explained, and now never will be. There are some secrets that have to stay secret. This is the author’s revenge.) It was tremendous fun thinking up these new adventures and placing the old friends in fresh battles. For the very last time.

I am no fan of Happy Ends in the conventional sense. This ending is unambiguous, at least it is from my viewpoint. The dwarves have passed their final test and have earned peace and quiet.

In order to forestall tons of emails asking about a possible fifth volume, I must emphasize: Nothing is planned! Anyway, tetralogies are unusual enough. Another fine reason.

What’s next?

The world of fantasy still has me in its grip and the universe won’t undergo any major change: It’s the turn of the älfar now! Evil demands the balance be redressed and wants the right to report from its point of view. There are a few issues to bring to light.

When this will all be ready to read I cannot say at the moment. But the älfar won’t be patient for long. Although, I must admit it would be fun to write a whole series about a clumsy fat farting elf…


My thanks go first of all to the many, many dwarf-fans whose loyalty and enthusiasm I find fascinating! It has made me very happy to entertain my readers with stories about the “Small People.”

I should like also to thank the numerous test-readers, Michael “LudoCreatrix,” Palm and Barbara Beckmann, Piper Verlag my publishers, and my editors Angela Kuepper and Carsten Polzin, both with Piper. Piper let me do whatever I want. Let’s hope that lasts! I don’t want to omit the Alten Bahnhof, where I spent so many creatively inspiring and entertaining evenings.

And this is for those who enjoy statistics. During the writing of this book the author used up 223 candles, 359 liters of tea (Assam Hazelbank, Assam Mokalbarie, East Frisian blend, spiced tea, English blend, English Breakfast tea) and twice that amount of tap water, 91 joss sticks (various fragrances) and absolutely no drugs, legal or otherwise. None of the above-mentioned teas are drugs!

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