The Fate of the Dwarves - By Markus Heitz Page 0,210

bards is not over.” He was unusually serious, almost statesmanlike. “We must establish order quickly before greedy despots emerge to usurp powers they are not entitled to.” Rodario offered her a seat next to him. “I should like to ensure it is you and no one else that sits on the throne of Idoslane.”

“That’s good of you.” The Ido girl sat down by him and stared at the fountain. “Were you offended by the kiss I gave you?”

“No.” He put his pen down.

“I got the impression you were no longer interested in me.” She sipped her drink, then turned her head. “Stupidly enough I am still keen on you, even if I can hardly wait for the return of my old, shy Rodario.”

“He’s still around, deep inside,” he replied with a smile. Then he took a deep breath. “Women don’t like sharing their men. So I think it’s only fair to say I ought to release you and concentrate my attentions on Coïra.”

“You may laugh, but the maga and I have already discussed this.” Mallenia smiled. “The latest state of play is that we don’t mind sharing you.”

Now Rodario had to put the paper and quill pen aside. “You’ve done what?”

“We did what men always want us to do: We came to an agreement,” she repeated, and raised her hand to stroke his cheek. “So you don’t have to decide between us, Rodario, and we won’t be scratching each other’s eyes out or declaring war on each other’s realms.” She smiled and was delighted by his reaction. Suddenly he looked vulnerable again; the helpless Rodario she found so attractive was back. “There’s one condition, however: You will never share a bed with both of us at the same time.”

“I don’t believe what I’m hearing,” he laughed, half in amusement, half in astonishment. “And I really don’t know…” He got up and paced up and down across the square. “… I really don’t know if I like this idea.”

“Aha. So it bothers your manly nature to hear that two women have set the rules this time.”

“No,” he said at once. “Or perhaps, yes?” He scratched his head, then his beard. “This has never ever happened to me before,” he muttered. He came to a standstill and put his hands on his hips, staring at the blond warrior-girl. “Who do you think you are?” he burst out indignantly.

“Who? Me?” Mallenia pointed to herself.

“No. Both of you. Coïra and you! You’ve sworn sister-hood, you want to make me your… slave, but you never…” he said, wagging his forefinger, “thought to let me in on the secret!” He kicked the ground. “I feel… humiliated and abused!”

She was speechless. “Here I am, telling you that two girls are in love with you and that you can have both of them, and you throw a tantrum like a jealous child?” She put her head back and laughed out loud. “How very, very sweet! Ah, this is the other Rodario you’re showing me, just to please me. How kind of you.”

“What?” He waved his arms about in exasperation. “Ye gods! What is the world coming to?”

Mallenia stood up, a grin on her face.

“Stop!” he called as she approached him. “Stay where you are! Before I know it you’ll be wanting to kiss me because you think I’m so sweet…”


“… and adorable.”

“True.” She was nearly upon him, but he dodged and banged his hip on the stone fountain. “What do we have to do to rid you of your bad mood? Perhaps we should let you think you have seduced us both?” Mallenia’s tone was mocking and she was amused to see him blush. It was hard to see how the calm, eloquent Rodario, who had been philosophizing about Girdlegard’s future, and this infuriated man could be one and the same person. At least she knew now how to make her pet Rodario put in an appearance.

The actor raised his hands to push her away. “Don’t come too close. I’ll have to give the matter a lot of thought before I kiss either one of you ever again.”

“Yes, you will,” she said, laughing and turning away. “You’ll find me with Coïra.”

Rodario perched on the edge of the fountain, reached into the water and cooled his face. “Women!” he murmured. “Sharing me out! Me! The very nerve of it!”

The water ran down to the tip of his nose, over his cheeks and mouth into his smart little beard. He felt a little calmer.

Of course he was attracted to the Copyright 2016 - 2024