The Fate of the Dwarves - By Markus Heitz Page 0,175

she appeared uneasy and dejected. “No, I’d rather stay where I am safe in the dwarves’ protection. You were telling the story about that thing that lies in wait for travelers, and even if I’m not blond…”

“Did Mallenia tell you about Xolototh?” Rodario looked over to the Ido girl who was arranging her bedding not far away.

“And that there was another kiss, yes. But this time, maybe, she took you by surprise.” Coïra could not resist this little dig. “I know I don’t have to be afraid of the Xolototh but I have a healthy respect for the enchanted creatures and plants in Rân Ribastur.” She sat down on her blanket. “You’d better go on your own, Rodario.”

He nodded and looked disappointed. Then he disappeared off through the bushes.

Coïra sighed with relief. She had not been sure whether she had managed to conceal her own feelings. An actor like him would surely notice when someone was pretending.

What Rodario could not know was that she had longed to accompany him. And she would have bathed with him in the water.

Coïra looked over at Mallenia, who was the exact opposite of herself in stature, coloring, and very nature. Yet the two of them shared an obsession with Rodario the Seventh, she was sure of that.

What can it lead to? she asked herself for the one hundred and twenty-seventh time. She lay down and closed her eyes.

But sleep was a long time coming. She kept seeing the man in her mind’s eye. Eventually, she got up with a sigh and surveyed the camp. All was quiet. Nobody was paying her any attention, so she slipped through the undergrowth, following the sound of water.

The splashing turned into a rushing sound and a fine spray covered the leaves with drops of moisture.

Coïra peered through the greenery and spotted a small waterfall, not more than seven paces high, and a pool of water perhaps eight paces in diameter at the base of a gray rock wall. Creepers overhung the stone and flowers on the bank quivered incessantly as they were sprinkled with the water droplets.

The actor’s clothing lay in a heap on the bank, far enough away from the spray to stay dry. With his back to her, Rodario stood naked in the pool in a theatrical pose before the cascade, waving his arms. He walked up and down, showing his profile. His mouth was opening and closing as though rehearsing for some grand role.

Coïra had to grin. She allowed her gaze to slip down from his hips, but did not look directly at his manhood. Not that she was uninterested to see what he had to offer in that area, but decency forbade her to be inquisitive. Perhaps the orbit would come when she might see it in different circumstances.

“And? What do you think of him?”

Coïra was startled, hearing a woman’s voice behind her. Looking over her shoulder she saw Mallenia. “I was worried…” she sought an excuse.

“Of course you were, my queen. Same as me. The Zhadár that are guarding our camp are certainly not able to protect us properly,” she smiled. “If anyone had told me that I would find myself standing next to the ruler of Weyurn watching a naked man bathe in a forest stream I think I would have slapped their face for the effrontery.” She bent one of the branches aside to get a better look. “Take a look at that! He has a very fine physique. Those padded clothes he was wearing hid his real shape.” She noticed that Coïra was not really watching. “Don’t you find him attractive? I thought you liked proper heroes and well-built men.”

“I… don’t want to see everything,” she said, avoiding a direct answer.

The Ido girl laughed quietly and looked at the black-haired queen. “What shall we do? Shall we share him or do we have to compete for his affections? Or shall we fight over him and be enemies forever? Idoslane and Weyurn can wage war about it.”

“We could just kill him, of course. That would be the simplest solution.” Coïra sighed.

Mallenia’s eyes flashed in amusement. “True enough. But I wouldn’t want so drastic a course of action. It’s hardly his fault that both of us have fallen for him.”

“He could have paid court to just the one of us, instead of both,” the maga objected. “And, if I think about it, you’re already at an advantage. You’ve had two kisses.”

“The first one didn’t count.” Mallenia put her hand on the queen’s Copyright 2016 - 2024