Fatal Secrets - Desiree Holt Page 0,47

where I did pickups was there with another man. They didn’t know I was there, and I heard them talking. They said Montoya”—his voice dropped—“couldn’t afford to take a chance on the guy going to trial and shooting off his mouth. Even his lawyer from that big shot law firm said he had to go.”

Sean could see that Zoe was getting angrier and angrier but held it in well. It was very apparent Justine had been disposed of like used Kleenex to protect a multi-million dollar operation that had some powerful people connected with it.

They chatted a couple more minutes with him, but then he said he had to leave.

“My girlfriend told me to say my piece and get my ass the hell out of here, so that’s what I’m doing,” He looked directly at Zoe. “So, we square?”

“We are. And thanks. I promise to keep you out of this.”

Ridge slid out of the booth, and Sean signaled for the check. While they stood there he glanced out the big front windows. There were a bunch of cars in the parking lot, a couple of semis with familiar logos on them, the usual assortment of pickups, and one other semi with no lettering on it at all. It could be a rental, he thought, but they usually carried the logo of the rental company.

Alex had told them that Montoya’s operation hauled massive amounts of drugs up and down Montana highways in trucks like this. He was pretty sure no one had followed them here nor had Ridge had a tail. Sean had been watching for him out the window. But now, just because, something made him pull out his cell and take a picture through the window. He made sure to get the license plate included. Then he paid the bill and guided Zoe outside.

“I hope you aren’t going after the public defender or the guy in the prosecutor’s office by yourself.” He managed a smile. “You and I have barely got together. I’d like to be sure it lasts.”

She turned to him and searched his face. “Are we together, Sean?”

He hoped everything he was feeling showed in his eyes. He couldn’t wait until they got this mess cleared up so they could spend a week in bed together. He was sure he’d never get tired of exploring every inch of her body.

“As far as I’m concerned we are. For a long time I made it my business only to hook up with women very short term, but Zoe?” He cupped her chin and turned her face so she was forced to look in his eyes. “I’m not walking away from this one. Every minute makes me more sure of that. I know it’s fast, but when a friend of mine got married last year and I razzed him about it, he told me something I thought was a bag of shit at the time. He said, when it’s right, it’s right. So you’re stuck with me, scars and nightmares and all.”

Her smile warmed him. “Works for me.”

“Okay, then. We need to get out of here. Right now. Put a new plan of action together.”

“And I need to figure out how to get to Cal Woodrow without tipping my hand. I think he’s a major key to this whole thing. We need to dig up as much on him as we can so we have some leverage. I’ll bet Hank can do it. He can find out anything about anyone and how to leverage them.” She blew out a breath. ”If he’s being paid off by Montoya, we need to know it. Put pressure on him to admit it.”

“He’s not just gonna cave and cop to it,” Sean pointed out to her. “Look at the situation, He’s been doing this for way more than ten years. He’s no doubt built himself a position of power. He’s kept all these secrets, and others have, too. Fatal secrets, as it turns out. We have to be smart about this. They’ve already got eyes on you because you’re digging this all up again. I’m pretty sure no one’s going to kill you. That would open a whole can of worms. Bring too many questions. But they could find ways to hurt you. Send a message that way. Think they could put the fear of God into you.”

“I know, I know. I’ve thought about that.” Then she smiled at him. “But I have my protector with me. Right?”

Despite the fact he could practically feel

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