Fatal Secrets - Desiree Holt Page 0,36

he never let women do, he hadn’t had a nightmare to scare the shit out of both of them. That must mean something, right?

“Didn’t you get therapy for it?” Zoe wanted to know. Her tone of voice was concerned, not probing as so many others were.

“Oh yeah.” He snorted. “Therapy. It takes more than an hour here and there to get those images and sounds out of your head. After a while, I couldn’t deal with the sessions, either. You might not think you’ve got such a bargain here.”

“I think that’s for me to decide. And you tell me as much or as little as you want.”

He might have said more, but they had come to the Bozeman exit that led to her apartment.

“Maybe later. Let’s get your car and then some dinner. That sound good to you?”

“Sure. I’m not that hungry but I know I need to eat.”

“All of this has to be an appetite killer.” He turned into her apartment complex.

“Sort of. Listen, I want to go into my apartment for a few minutes first, if that’s okay with you. There’s a few things I forgot to pack.”


He guessed they weren’t on any timetable.

“I’m going to pull around to the back where your car is. Even if I can’t park right next to it I can keep an eye out while you get into it and back it out.”

“Sounds good. Thanks.”

Chapter 7

They made it into the complex and the apartment itself without any disruptions. No one was hiding between vehicles, and no cars had trailed them into the complex. He watched carefully as he followed Zoe up the stairs to her front door then inside. She hadn’t left a light on, making it hard to see in the dark. He was right on her heels, so when she stopped to leave her purse on the little table by the door, her body bumped up against his. He felt the firm yet soft mounds of her breasts as they pressed into his chest, her body molding to his. She clutched his upper arms to steady herself and, when she looked up at him, he saw so much swirling in her eyes. Not pity. Thank god for that. He hadn’t known what to expect after he spilled his guts, and he could not have handled pity.

No, what he saw was heat, although sparked with questions. The atmosphere between them was charged, crackling with sexual tension. Last night she’d been a convenient body to have wild sex with. The light had been almost nonexistent, a cheap motel lamp Tonight everything between them had changed. He wanted the light on. Wanted to see her face. Enjoy her pleasure. Pleasure he was eager to give her.

He felt as if this morning, when they had shockingly faced each other here in this apartment, his life had been turned upside down. That’s what had made him open up to her the way he had, something he never did. Made him tell her he wanted to see what this thing between them was, even though it was less than twenty-four hours old. Maybe this was his one chance to try to put his life back together. His phone call with Hank had happened at the right time, and Zoe walking into his life at Red’s had been a signal. He was going to take the chance.

“It’s all up to you.” His voice had a rough edge to it. “I didn’t come upstairs here with you for this, but I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been thinking about it all day.”

“Me, too,” she whispered. “Damn, Sean. One night that neither of us expected, and look at us.”

He barked an edgy laugh. “I think I expected it less than you. I’m hardly a prize package these days, and I’d bet money you can have your choice of anyone you want.”

Her laugh didn’t hold much humor, either.

“Sometime I’ll tell you why that’s a joke. But I’m not laughing now. And this is anything but funny.” She ran her tongue over her lower lip, and his cock immediately tried to push its way out of his fly. “But it can be fun.”

“Just so you know, I’m trying to be on my best behavior.

“Maybe I don’t want you to.”

She licked her lip again, and his balls developed a sudden ache.


“We said last night was good,” she reminded him. “And that we’d see where it was going. Well, here we are alone. A good place to find out.” Then, suddenly,

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