Fatal Secrets - Desiree Holt Page 0,32

feeling about this whole thing.

“The police said they checked everything they needed to and none of those cases had any connection to her death. But, Sean, someone murdered her, and they had to leave a clue somewhere.”

“I agree. Okay, let’s take a look at where her body was found. Maybe take some pictures, even though it is ten years later. Then we can talk about it all while we have dinner.”


He allowed himself a rough chuckle. “We have to eat, Zoe. I’m not suggesting a formal meal or anything. Maybe just burgers and beer.”

Which had become his style over recent months, anyway. Zoe was the first women he’d even wanted more with, and he was holding on to that idea for when—if—they got through this. He was still astounded at her effect on him. It was as if he’d been dead and she breathed life-giving oxygen into him, both his body and his brain. It continued to shock the shit out of him.

“I’m sorry.” She touched his forearm. “I didn’t mean to be rude. I do realize the difficult position Hank put you in, not giving you a choice. I apologize for being so disagreeable about it. None of this is your fault.”

“Not to worry. I lived with a bunch of SEALs on missions for eight years. I’m used to disagreeable.”

“Here.” She pointed out the windshield. “Take this exit. I know it isn’t the one the GPS suggested, but this is a shortcut.”

She gave him directions once they were at the edge of Helena. They passed some stores and restaurants, then some unoccupied space with a fair amount of trees, and finally two wooden structures that looked like a good wind would blow them over.

“Turn in here,” she told him.

Sean frowned but did as she said. The ground was overgrown with weeds and some small scraggly trees. The rusted hulks of two ancient automobiles and an old truck hugged the side of one building.

“I’ll give you this,” he told her. “It sure looks like a place someone would leave a body.”

She nodded. “That’s what I thought, too. Warren said whoever did this obviously picked a place that didn’t get much attention and where the body would not be found for a while.”

He climbed out of the truck and waited while she did the same. Out of habit, he glanced around, taking in the stream of traffic passing by on the street bordering the lot. For a moment he thought one vehicle looked familiar, but they all passed by so quickly he was sure he was mistaken. He gave himself a mental shake and focused on what they were here for.

“Exactly where was the body found?”

“Right over here at the back of this building on the right. Next to a car in about the same condition as these here.”

“This a dumping ground for vehicles or something?”

She shrugged. “No one’s used these buildings in forever. I don’t even know who owns the land, but it’s been a dumping ground like this over the years.”

They walked over gravel and through weeds to get to a clump of bushes long dead but still clinging to the ground.

“She was in the middle of all this crap,” Zoe told him. “I doubt if anyone would have found her when they did except some kids decided to use the place to smoke some weed and drink beer. “

Sean made a snorting sound. “Bet they needed the high after that. Probably scared the shit out of them.”

“No doubt.”

Sean walked around the area, looked behind both buildings.

What do you think she was doing here?”

Zoe shrugged. “I certainly wish I knew. Warren said the prevailing theory was she had set up a meeting with someone who had information on a case she was researching for me. Someone who wanted to meet in an out-of-the-way place.”

“But you don’t think so.”

She shook her head. “That wasn’t part of what she did. Her research was mostly online. She drafted briefs and other documents. Interviewed some witnesses. Sometimes filed things at the courthouse for Warren. What she didn’t do was meet secret witnesses in out-of-the-way places.”

“So, it wasn’t that.”

“No. It doesn’t tell me what actually got her killed, but I’m damn sure going to find out.” She pulled out her phone. “I want to take some pictures. I took a bunch at the time, even though they’d already removed her body. I want to compare them in case I missed anything the first time. Details are important when I’m working on a book, although

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