Fatal Secrets - Desiree Holt Page 0,3

they were sitting down, but she figured from the long legs in the faded jeans he had to be pretty close to six feet. His brown hair had the kind of blond streaks the sun created naturally and that women would spend a hundred dollars for. It was long enough that it brushed below the collar of his T-shirt. His arms were muscular, the kind of muscles that came from hard work of some kind, not hours at a gym. On his right arm, the one closest to her, a long scar stretched from his elbow to his wrist.

But his face, at least from a side view, interested her the most. Square jaw that made him look like he clenched his teeth a lot. Sharp cheekbones. Straight nose. She wished she could see the rest of his face, but he was facing straight ahead. Besides, he had a big invisible Keep Away sign on him, but for some reason she couldn’t tear her eyes away. Why was she even interested?

As if he could feel her eyes on him, he lifted his glass to take a drink and slid his gaze sideways toward her. She knew she should ignore him but her stupid independent mouth curved into a smile, and she lifted her glass in a mock toast.

He turned to her again, giving her a hard look as if he could vaporize her with nothing more than a glance.

She was shocked when he actually spoke to her.

“If you’re going to be perky and cheerful, get away from me now.” His voice was rough and gravelly, rusty as if he hadn’t used it for a long time. “I’m allergic to those two conditions.”

She stared at him, slightly stunned by the sharpness of his words.

“Sorry. I was trying to be friendly. Nothing more.” Although she had no idea why.

“Too bad. Not in my vocabulary. I’m only friendly with my drink.” He studied the liquid in the glass. “That’s all I need.”

“Now, that’s not so.” The bartender refilled the man’s glass and wiped the bar in front of him. “You actually said ten words to me earlier. And I think you just said more than a dozen words to this nice lady here.”

Zoe couldn’t be sure, but she might have spotted a tiny quirk in the man’s lips. Then it was gone, so maybe she was mistaken. She took another swallow of her drink, the bourbon in it warming her as it slid through her system. She tried to stop studying the man next to her, but her contrary inner person wouldn‘t let her.

“It’s rude to stare at people.” The gravelly voice startled her. “Is there something about me that fascinates you?”

“Um, uh…” Since when had she forgotten how to speak? She swallowed more of her drink and put the empty glass down on the bar. In what seemed like seconds, she had a fresh one in front of her.

“Put that on my tab.” The stranger waved a finger at the bartender.

“I can buy my own drink,” she insisted.

The bartender shrugged. “I do what I’m told.”

Zoe fiddled with her fresh drink, sipped a little, put the glass down, and looked at the stranger again.

“Thanks.” She tried to sound as pleasant as possible, although she wasn’t sure why. Her bar companion seemed to have a permanent grouch on.

When he didn’t say a word, she shrugged and took another sip.

“Hey, Sean.” The bartender stood in front of the grouch. ” You could at least say you’re welcome to the lady. She thanked you.”

He shrugged. “She has better manners than I do.”

“Anyone has better manners than you do.” He looked Zoe. “We’ve been trying to civilize him, but we aren’t having much luck. You’re the first person he’s bought a drink for, so maybe we’re making progress.” He held out his hand. “Welcome to Red’s Place. I’m Red.”

She stared at him as she shook his hand. “But you, um, don’t have red hair. Or anything red. Except your T-shirt.”

Okay, she really had to be tired to say something that stupid. Had she worn her brain out this week?

He grinned. “Yeah, I get that a lot.” He leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Don’t mind the grouch here. We’ve been trying to coax him out of his mood since he got here last week. Don’t know what his story is but he’s become kind of a project.”

The stranger set his glass down carefully. “The grouch keeps telling you to mind your own business and quit sticking your nose

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