Fatal Intent - Jamie Jeffries Page 0,7

never-tiring ladies who did such things. Alex excused herself to get to work, since she’d missed school on Thursday and couldn’t afford to miss again tomorrow. Dylan understood. He and the boys were just going to go home and rest anyway, after the long weekend of planning the services.

“Can I see you tonight? Will you come over?” he asked her.

“Yeah, I, uh, I have something to tell you. Didn’t want to bother you with it before.” She seemed nervous. Dylan wondered if it was bad news, but didn’t focus on it. He’d find out soon enough.

After Alex left, he had his hands full with Davi, who couldn’t grasp the solemn nature of the day. He was running around the room, which also doubled as a gymnasium, pretending to shoot baskets and in general making a nuisance of himself.

At least he kept his clothes on.

Dylan’s subconscious brought up a mental picture of his brother being brought home in disgrace only a few weeks before, his Sunday best trousers bunched oddly and his tie off. Ange informed him then that if he couldn’t convince Davi to stop stripping in public, she wouldn’t be able to take him anymore. He chuckled, earning an odd look from Ange now. He’d tell her later. Now wasn’t the time.

Hours later, Alex arrived as he was feeding the boys the last of the food that well-wishers from the church had brought over. His mood lightened when Davi jumped from the table and ran to her. It was lucky his brothers weren’t older, or they’d be trying to beat his time with her.

“Hi, babe,” he said. “Want some dinner?”

“Nah, thanks. I just ate. Had to feed Dad. Can I help you clean up in the kitchen?” Alex corralled Davi and made him sit down to finish his dinner, and then took a chair herself, seeing they weren’t finished.

“How are you doing? And them?” she said, indicating the boys with a nod of her head.

“Hanging in. Just want this day to be over, frankly,” he said.

“Well, I got some good news, for me at least. Want to hear it?” Her smile was too bright. Something was up, and that qualifier gave him a little pang. Was she about to deliver news that wasn’t good for him?

“Sure, babe. Davi, if you’re finished, scrape your plate into the trash and put it in the sink. Juan, you may be excused.” His brothers taken care of for the moment, Dylan turned back to Alex.

“So, what’s this good news?” He had another qualm as a shadow of uncertainty passed over her features, but then she smiled again. Maybe it would be okay.

“You know I entered my story about my kidnapping in the NSPA Pacemaker Award competition, right?” She wiggled in obvious anticipation of his answer.

“Yeah.” He could feel what was coming, but he didn’t want to steal her thunder. “And?”

“I won!” she cried, clapping her hands like a little girl. “I won first place, Dylan! Isn’t that cool?”

He felt his face split into a broad grin. “Babe, really! That’s very cool! Also rad and dope,” he added, with a goofy leer.

She took a swipe at him. “You goof. The award ceremony is this Saturday. Are you off? Can you go with me? The boys, too. We’ll make it a fun day and take them to the zoo or something afterward.”

Dylan stopped and mentally reviewed his schedule. As far as he knew, he was off on Saturday. Unless the personal leave he’d taken last week and this for the funeral had changed it. He was going back to work tomorrow, so he’d find out then.

“As far as I know, I’m off. Can I confirm tomorrow?”

“I’ll be gone all day. Tuesday, remember? You can text me.”

“Okay, I will. Alex, I get the feeling there’s something else. Something you’re reluctant to tell me. What is it?”

“Oh, um. Well, the award comes with a cash prize. I’m going to move to Casa Grande for the rest of the semester.” Alex twisted her hands together. This wasn’t the way she’d have chosen to tell him, or the time. When confronted head on with his question, she had no choice. Now she could see that it would have been better to tell him a white lie, that there was nothing else right now. His face had crumpled.

“Oh, honey, it’s not the end of the world! We’ve talked about this! I’ll be nearby. Please tell me you’re okay with it.”

“I guess I have to be,” he choked. Then he grabbed

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