Fatal Intent - Jamie Jeffries Page 0,31

didn’t bring a hat, though. Can I borrow a baseball cap?”

Dylan dived back into the closet and came out with a Park Service green bush hat with mesh sides. “Will this do?”

“Perfect, I’ll look like that Australian guy. What was his name, in that old movie?”

“What movie?” Dylan asked.

“You know, ‘That’s not a knife,’” she quoted, in her best Aussie accent. “This is a knife.”

“Indiana Jones?” he quipped.

“No, Crocodile Dundee,” she said, laughing now that she remembered. “I’ll look like Crocodile Dundee.”

“Furthest thing from the truth,” he said, plopping the hat on her head, and then knocking it off again as he kissed her. “You’ll look like the woman I love.”


Strolling along the interpretive pollinator path, with the boys racing ahead and his hand entwined with Alex’s, Dylan couldn’t have been more content. When he thought about what might happen later this afternoon, a frisson of nerves tingled the backs of his arms and made his vision swim for a second. Each time, he calmed himself with the assurance that Alex wouldn’t have spent the night last night unless she was ready for what he had to say.

When they’d finished the loop, it was time to find what shade they could and have their snacks, just enough to hold them over to the early barbecue this afternoon. Dylan excused himself and stepped away far enough to make a call to Wanda to see if she needed any help with the birthday cake, and to Lisa to make sure they were well on their way. The first call went fine, but he didn’t reach Lisa.

They must be out of cell range.

He left a message and then went back to the shady area. Davi was beginning to droop, having worn himself out running back and forth between Juan in the lead and the adults strolling behind.

“Think we should go try to nap until it’s time to go to your dad’s?”

Alex shrugged. “Do they usually nap?”

“Not really, but it’s hot and they’re worn out. I think it would be a good idea.” Dylan couldn’t think of a better way to kill a couple of hours than putting the boys down for a nap and lying down next to Alex for a while himself.

“I could use a shower. And I’d like to run over and say hi to Wanda,” Alex said.

Uh-oh, Dylan hadn’t anticipated that possibility. “Uh, Wanda went to Phoenix today,” he said, the first lie he could think of. Fortunately, it worked.

“Oh. Darn it, I haven’t seen her for quite a while. I guess Dad didn’t tell her I was coming.”

Alex seemed disappointed, but she’d get over it when Wanda turned up at the party. Dylan said, “Yeah, she’ll be disappointed to have missed you. But, aren’t you coming home for the summer as soon as this term is over?”

They’d discussed whether Alex would finish out her junior year over the summer, but she didn’t want to run out of the scholarship money before she had a chance to look for a job in Phoenix in September when she transferred to Arizona State. She’d taken a couple of classes for the first summer term, but had only two more weeks to go.

“Yeah, I guess it’s just another couple of weeks. I’ll live. Sure, let’s grab a nap with the boys, and then I’ll shower again. I’m all hot and sticky.”

Hot and sticky sounded divine to Dylan, whose libido seemed to have gone a little nuts in the last twenty-four hours. Maybe it was the anticipation of finally settling the future with Alex. He couldn’t have misread her signals, could he? He would know in a few hours. That electric tingle went down the back of his arms again.

Three hours later, Dylan felt rested, refreshed and excited beyond what a man his age should be over a surprise party. He loaded his little family into the pickup and headed toward Paul Ward’s house. Juan’s legs encroached into Davi’s space in the jump seat of the extended cab. Dylan realized he was going to have to trade the Silverado in on an SUV when Alex moved in.

Suddenly, they were there. Paul had tied balloons to the mailbox, so Alex knew immediately this was her birthday celebration. She clapped her hands and hugged Dylan first and then the boys.

“You guys! A surprise party? Really?” She was even more delighted when Dylan ushered her through the house and to the patio in back, where the rest of the guests were already assembled. “Nana! And Wanda, Dylan

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