Fatal Exposure - By Gail Barrett Page 0,75

sick, twisted mind he hadn’t harmed that child.

But what about Tommy? Was Hoffman telling the truth about that? He definitely molested children. There was enough evidence in these cabins to convict him, even if that girl didn’t testify. But had he killed Tommy? Or was Delgado responsible for that?

Parker shook away the thought. He’d sort that out later. Right now he had to save Brynn.

But Hoffman tightened his grip on her throat, causing her to wheeze for breath.

And Parker knew with a sinking feeling that he’d run out of time.

“Put down your gun,” Hoffman said. “Right now, or she’s dead.”

Not seeing an option, Parker bent over and set his gun on the wooden floor.

“Kick it over here.”

Parker sent it skidding across the floor. It came to a stop several feet from Brynn. She rolled her eyes sideways, and he knew she was calculating the distance, trying to figure out a way to get that gun. But she needed him to create a diversion first.

“That’s better.” A triumphant smile slashed Hoffman’s face. “You always did obey orders.”

Like a fool. “I trusted you. I thought you were an honest man. But you used me for your own sick ends.”

“I only wanted you to bring her in. That’s all. I tried to warn you about her. I said she’d manipulate you. But you didn’t listen...and now I don’t have a choice.”

Brynn went still. Her gaze snapped to his, the shock over his betrayal edging out her fear. Parker’s stomach took a sudden dive. “It’s not what you think,” he told her.

“You lied to me.” The pain in her voice ripped through his heart.

He couldn’t deny it. Any attempt to justify his behavior would only seem like a lame excuse. But he had intended to tell her; he’d just wanted to do it at a better time, when he could explain how his opinion of her had changed, how he admired her, cared for her.

How he loved her.

But he’d waited too long. And now that she’d learned the truth from Hoffman, she’d never believe him again.

Their eyes remained locked. And suddenly he knew what he had to do. He had to prove that he hadn’t betrayed her. He had to give her a chance to survive.

He lunged toward his boss. Hoffman swiveled his gun his way.

And fired.

* * *

Brynn screamed. She stared at Parker aghast as he staggered another step forward, then stopped and slumped to the floor. He’d just forfeited his life to save her. He was giving her a chance to get free. But she refused to leave him at this madman’s mercy, no matter how much his betrayal stung.

Jerking herself into action, she shoved away from Hoffman and whipped around. Then she slammed her foot behind his knee, causing him to fall down.

But he wouldn’t stay down for long.

She dove for Parker’s gun, managing to wrap her hands around it just as another shot rang out, the earsplitting bang reverberating through her skull. She rolled over and swung around, feeling as if time had slowed to a standstill, and squeezed off a shot. Hoffman dove behind a chair.

Scrambling to her feet, she glanced at Parker. He lay facedown on the floor, blood pooling around him, groaning with pain. Desperation drummed inside her. She had to help him. She had to stanch the bleeding and rush him to the hospital before he died.

But she had to stop Hoffman first. She had to get him away from this bedroom before he finished Parker off.

Banking that Hoffman would try to stop her, she bolted through the doorway into the next room, skidding on the wooden floor. His footsteps pounded behind her. His gun barked out, and she flinched, but the shot went wild.

She whirled around and fired back. Her aim was off, but it made him dive into the kitchen, giving her time to scramble behind the couch. Dumb, she realized, gasping for breath. A bullet would go straight through the sofa. She had to get to the door.

“Stop,” her stepfather called out. “I’m not trying to hurt you.”

Hysteria burbled inside her. He’d kidnapped her at gunpoint. He’d knocked her out, slamming his fist into her face when she’d tried to escape. He’d just shot Parker and was trying to murder her. “You expect me to believe that?”

“I never wanted to hurt you,” he said. “I loved you.”

Love? She shuddered, totally repulsed. “Torture isn’t love.”

“You liked my games. You know you did. You begged me to play with you.”

Her face turned hot. Her vision

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