Fashionably Fooled (Hot Damned #13) - Robyn Peterman Page 0,66


“Love it,” Astrid said. “If Luke grows up as fast as Samuel did, they can be best friends.”

“It’s fated,” Elle said, looking over at Samuel with a bright smile. “I see it. The future holds many adventures for the two of you.”

“I look forward to it,” Samuel said with a respectful nod to both Elle and me.

It was a fascinating and somewhat alarming hint to what lay ahead. Samuel was the strongest True Immortal of us all. He hadn’t come into his power yet, but when he did it would be something to see. Would Luke be his friend? Would Luke be his foe? Only time would tell.

“And Luke’s middle name?” My father pressed with a twinkle of delight in his eyes.

Elle glanced over at me and mouthed the words I’m sorry. Her grin grew wide as my eyes grew huge. I had no clue what my crazy woman was about to say, but it was going to be hideous. Of that I was sure.

“Luke’s middle name is in honor of the woman who helped bring him into the world and saved him from leaving it,” Elle said with a tear running down her lovely cheek.

“Holy shee-ott,” Murry shouted. “His middle name is Mammy?”

“His middle name is Mammy,” Elle confirmed. “Luke Mammy the Heir to Hell.

My son was going to suffer many ass kickings on the playground. I bit down on my tongue and held back every inappropriate and profanity laden retort that came to mind. Elle still had a dull butter knife in her pocket, and I wanted my Johnson to be able to perform tonight. Plus, she was correct. As awful and humiliating as the name was, it was fitting. My boy was going to be a badass.

He would have to be with a middle name like that.

Reaching out my hand to the woman who gave me the will to live, I addressed our guests while staring into her lavender eyes. “Good night, everyone. I’d say thank you for coming, but I’m not into that kind of thing. However… thank you for staying. If you repeat what I said, I will make your lives a living Hell. It’s my specialty.”

I didn’t see anyone leave. I heard none of the goodbyes. My eyes were glued to the mother of my son. Her beauty slayed me, but it was her heart that I desired.

“Come with me,” I whispered.

“Always,” Elle said. “I will follow you to the end of time.”


She placed her hand on her heart and smiled. “Promise.”

“I will hold you to that, Siren.”

“I would expect nothing less, Devil,” she shot back. “You’re a terrible, awful man.”

“And you’re a deceitful shrew of a woman.”

“Thank you,” Elle said with a giggle.

“My pleasure. I’m curious about something,” I said, as we left the empty ballroom and made our way toward our suite.


“What exactly is cheeseburger sex?”

Elle’s laugh rang out. Her delight made Luke grin and gurgle in his slumber. “You don’t know about cheeseburger sex?” she asked with a wicked grin.

“Can’t say I do,” I replied with a laugh. “I wouldn’t be opposed to learning.”

“It’s a deal, lover,” Elle said as she picked up her speed. “It shall be your birthday gift.”

Cheeseburger sex was now permanently on rotation in our very active sex life. It was deliciously naughty, and my lover was an outstanding teacher.

Happy, Happy, Happy Womb Eviction Day to me.


The sun rises. The sun sets. And the Earth still spins on its tilted axis in reaction to the day the rightful heir to Hell was almost destroyed.

The battle was epic, and the scars left behind eventually became the strengths that would mold the child. In the sheer violence of that day, the bloody clash ended some, and chose others to remain. It was beautifully brutal.

Beauty created in fury and rage was still beauty.

Or was it…

The Devil had known grace. The Devil knew evil. And now the Devil understood love. But most of all the Devil knew how to have an outstanding time doing outrageously bad things. His son would be no different.

As the son of the Dark Angel, the heir to Hell was in for a wild ride—some of his own making… some, a matter of circumstance.

Apples do not fall far from trees… just ask Adam and Eve.

The future of Luke would indeed be tangled with the future of Samuel and a royal female of Fairy descent. The future was hazy even for Fate to see clearly. Not to mention, the pesky concept called free will could alter the winds Copyright 2016 - 2024