Fashionably Fooled (Hot Damned #13) - Robyn Peterman Page 0,60

I am. Didn’t you think this out?”

Wrath growled and closed her eyes. “Just do some fucking magic and make it true.”

“Sure,” Astrid said with a shrug and chanted in a language that was pure gibberish.

“Did it work?” Wrath demanded.

“Do you still believe you’re the true heir to Hell?” Astrid asked in a pleasant tone, throwing Wrath slightly off her game.

She nodded jerkily.

“Then I’d guess it worked,” Astrid said. “Hand me the child.”

“Need to kill him just in case,” Wrath said with a sickening grin as the tattoos danced in a staccato rhythm. The glare off her skin intensified. One had to squint to actually gaze at her. “Wouldn’t want to take any chances.”

I was done.

“I will give you one opportunity to put the boy down, drop your weapons and surrender. There is no way this will end well for you,” I said as fire covered my body and licked at my skin. The only three who stayed close to me were Elle, Mother Nature and God. They were the only beings alive who could withstand my flame. “If you quit while you’re ahead, the punishment will not be as harsh.”

I watched as the other six traded covert glances and tried to communicate silently. None of them wanted to be part of this. Of that I was sure. They would still be punished if they walked away now, but it would be nothing compared to what I would do to them if they stayed.

“I will count to three,” I snarled as Dixie moved forward and stared at her sisters.

“Walk away,” she pleaded as tears streamed down her cheeks. “You are so much better than this.”

“Shut up, you little piece of trash,” Wrath snarled as spittle flew from her mouth. “I should end you as well for your uppity ways. In fact, that will be first on my list once I get rid of the son of a bitch, and I’m the ruler of Hell.”

“The son of a bitch is giving you one last chance,” I said in a tone so cold the other six girls trembled and began to cry. “One. Two. Three.”

As Envy, Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, Lust and Pride dropped their weapons and stepped forward, my Generals took them into custody faster than a blink of an eye. The weapons were gathered just as quickly.

“You’re weak,” Wrath shouted at her sisters who refused to make eye contact. “Nothing. You are nothing. I will not spare you. You deserted me.”

“Basement,” I growled, sending the six to the worst part of Hell. It would be centuries before I would look upon any of them again… if ever. They would not die but would wish they had.

They were dragged crying and screaming from the Grand Ballroom. I felt nothing. However, the seventh? I despised.

“Put the baby down and step away,” I instructed.

From the corner of my eye, I realized Murry the badass was still behind Wrath. I wasn’t sure if this was advantageous or catastrophic. A thin stream of almost undetectable gold smoke wafted across the room, and Murry quietly inhaled. He paused for a moment and then nodded at Mammy. If I wasn’t mistaken, they were communicating. Mammy glanced over at me and grinned. She blew a smoke ring at me.

Was I supposed to snort it? Eat it? The disgusting possibilities were endless.

Mammy pointed to her own nose and winked. Here went nothing. Inhaling, I almost roared in agony as the golden mist entered my lungs. It burned hotter than any fire I’d ever experienced. With every bit of strength I owned, I stood still and took it.

“Can ya hear me, Lord of Dark Shit?” Mammy questioned inside my mind.

“Yes,” I replied, not looking over at her. “You can call me Lucifer. I think we’ve come that far considering I just inhaled your snot which incinerated all of my internal organs.”

Mammy cackled. “Wasn’t no snot, ya dummy.”

“That’s certainly a relief,” I said, watching Wrath like a hawk. “Is there a reason you wanted to talk right now? I’m a little busy.”

“Yep, I can see that. Ya got a plan, Lucifer Dark Shit?”

“Not exactly. However, I’m sure it will end in the demise of Wrath.”

“I like the way ya think,” Mammy said. “Keep her talking. Tell her yer gonna do exactly what she wants. I need a little time to make sure Murry doesn’t fuck up.”

“Can’t say that sounds promising,” I replied, feeling tension in every part of my body.

“My boy ain’t called Murry the badass fer nothin’,” Mammy assured me. “Boy’s got Copyright 2016 - 2024