Fashionably Dead and Loving It (Hot Damned #14) - Robyn Peterman Page 0,25

the bloodthirsty couple, but his attention was mine.

“Vincent is unusual and eccentric,” he said. “But yes, I trust him. He’s a lonely old man and I’ve invited him many times to join us at the Cressida House. He always declines. He’s more of a wanderer. Why do you ask? Has he been rude?”

“Not at all,” I said quickly and then had a horrible thought. “Do you think he eats puppies?”

“Umm… no. I don’t think he eats puppies. Where on earth did you get that idea?”

“Nowhere. Forget I said it. Do you mind if I raise Vinnie in the esteem of the others who are treating him like a piece of poop?”

“Not at all,” Ethan replied. “Invite him to stay. That will do the trick.”

I had a little more in mind than that, but it was an outstanding idea.

“Count Vincent Gustav,” I said, using my outdoor voice so everyone would hear. “You are simply brilliant! I would love to hear more about your bottled blood company and the proceeds going to charity.”

“You would?” Vinnie asked, so delighted he began to bounce on his toes, making his cape flutter.

“Yes, I would,” I continued. “And if it doesn’t disrupt your plans, Ethan and I would like to invite you to stay for a few days and talk about investing in your proposal.”

“You would?” Vinnie squealed, repeating himself.

“We would,” I said, placing my hand on Ethan’s arm.

Ethan looked a bit confused but went right along with it. “Did you just promise him that we were investing in a bottled blood company?” he asked.

“I did,” I admitted sheepishly. “I might have gone a little far, but Vinnie saves puppies.”

“Of course, he does,” Ethan replied dryly then nodded at the ecstatic Vinnie. “Count Vincent Gustav, I would be delighted to have you as a guest and discuss your scheme.”

Vinnie bowed low and his entire body trembled with pride. “Thank you, my Liege. Thank you.”

Vinnie wandered off on cloud nine. He was now the most popular man in the Grand Ballroom aside from Ethan. I felt awesome. The evening was turning out better than expected.

However, the night had only just begun.

The mood went back to being as formal as the outfits worn by the undead. The reception line was long, and after the fun chat with Vinnie, my new puppy-saving, undead business partner, the rest of the conversations went in one ear and flew out of the other. Realizing I was repeating myself, I tried to change it up, but there were only so many ways to “say lovely to meet you” and “no, I’d rather not show you my fangs.” I was bored. Keeping a lid on my potty mouth for three hours was excruciating.

There was rabid curiosity about me and my crown. I was never wearing the damn thing in public again—only to get laid. After the umpteenth envious comment about the cut of the diamonds, I realized that Anastasia, Wilhem and Ethan were crown-free. I was the only dumb-dumb showing off. They were born into royalty. I was not. Mimicking the way Anastasia sat with her back ramrod straight and her legs artfully angled to the side, I smiled politely and tried not to fall asleep.

“You’re killing it,” Anastasia whispered.

“At least I’m not killing them,” I said, nodding to a group who gossiped viciously while waiting their turn to bow and kiss our undead asses.

“I’d call that a win,” she replied with a laugh. “Just don’t fall asleep. The tabloids will have a heyday with a passed-out Vampyre Princess. Trust me, I’ve been there.”

“Fuck,” I muttered, scanning the crowd to see if anyone was taking notes or sketching me wearing a crown. “Are they here?”

“They’re always at royal engagements,” Anastasia confirmed, wrinkling her nose. “However, they’re quite secretive about their identity.”

“Probably a good thing since beheading isn’t on the agenda this evening.”

Anastasia glanced over and grinned. “Ethan did good. Raquel assured me I would I love you. She said you were a lot of fun, extremely deadly, no-nonsense and knew your way around a good cuss word.”

“Feeling’s mutual—for you and Raquel. Ethan has excellent taste in sisters,” I replied with a giggle. “After everyone leaves, I’ll let it rip. Although, Carolinainnia might get her panties in a wad.”

Anastasia’s eye roll was so dang good I was jealous. That was twice today I was out-eye rolled. First my brother and now my sister-in-law.

“She can bite my undead butt,” she whispered so the Vampyre in question wouldn’t overhear. “She’s a simpering idiot. I don’t know what Copyright 2016 - 2024