Fandom (Famous #3) - Eden Finley Page 0,44

so fucking beautiful. His cheeks are flushed, his hair is sweaty, but it’s the look in his eyes that does me in. It’s as if he doesn’t want to break his gaze in fear I’ll disappear. That this isn’t real.

I want to cup his cheek, and I want to hold him close, but I can’t.

“Denny …” I whisper.

That’s all it takes. His hand jerking my cock doesn’t slow down as he trembles and makes a grunting noise that turns me on like no other sex noise ever has. It’s a deep rumble and sounds completely involuntary.

It sends me over the edge too. Red-hot lust shoots through me, while my cock erupts and my body tries to ride out the orgasm. I writhe beneath him, lost in lust and pleasure.

He thrusts a couple more times, but his hand doesn’t let up until I melt into the couch.

Denver uncoils and relaxes, and his heavy body collapses on top of me. I expect it to get uncomfortable really fast, but the opposite happens. My arms wrap around him, and he molds to me like we fit perfectly together.

I could stay here the rest of the night. Or my life.

His head is buried in my neck, and our breathing syncs so our chests rise and fall as one.

“Sorry,” he says. “I know I said I didn’t want to do that, but …”

“You couldn’t resist me. I get it.”

“Wow. You could rival Harley with that ego.”

“No one can rival Harley in the ego department.”

Denver laughs, but then it dies off quickly. “We didn’t just ruin everything, did we?”

“Not even close.”

He lifts his head. “You’re not freaking out?”

“Not about this.” I lean up and touch my lips to his. We kiss in a lazy postorgasmic haze, but then he asks the one thing I can’t answer.

“What are you freaking out about?”

Everything, nothing, our lives, what a future looks like, walking away from this and losing him again, making past mistakes, making future ones … you know, nothing major.

“I might have developed a touch of anxiety over the last couple of years, so I kind of worry about everything,” I say vaguely.

“So it is about me.” Denver finally moves to sit up, and I do the same, tucking myself away in my cum-covered pants.

“It’s not about what we just did. That … that came more naturally than I thought it would.”

He cocks his eyebrow at me. He’s either mocking the accidental innuendo or calling me out for sounding somewhat judgmental.

“Not that it’s not natural,” I’m quick to add. “It’s like when you get a new pair of shoes and they feel weird at first … no, wait, that’s a bad analogy because it implies I didn’t like that. I did. Uh, obviously.” I gesture to where my cum is all over my jeans and his shirt from where he wiped his hand. “I thought it would feel weird, and it didn’t. That’s what I meant.”

Denver breaks into a small smile. “You should shave your beard.”

“What? Where did that come from?”

His finger trails over my cheek, the part above my beard. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you blush before, and I want to see it all.” His hand moves to my neck where it feels hot.

I swat his hand away. “I’m not blushing.”

“You’re so blushing.”

“Do you have plans for your weekend away from your contestants?” Yes, Mason, change the subject. That’s a surefire way to make sure he never brings it up again. Moron.

“Not much. Work out, sleep …” He leans in, dipping his mouth next to my ear. “Maybe try to entice you for a repeat.”

“Wouldn’t need much enticing. Research, maybe, but not enticing.”

“Mm, research sounds fun. Can I add that to my list of things to do this weekend?”

“Are you telling me you’ve never watched gay porn? Even when you had those confusing feelings back in the day?”

It’s Denver’s turn for his cheeks to turn pink, but unlike the asshole he is, I’m not going to call him on it. “I might have,” he says cautiously. “But total honesty here, it didn’t really do anything for me unless …”

“Unless, what?”

He looks unsure but doesn’t break eye contact as he says, “Unless I was picturing you.”

Chapter Seventeen


Mason doesn’t reply for a long time, and I think I may have broken him. I thought the handjob might have been pushing it, but apparently, no. Telling him I’ve watched gay porn and thought of him, implying I’ve jerked off to him many times, is the thing that crosses Copyright 2016 - 2024