Famous by Association - Leddy Harper Page 0,71

at himself beneath his breath and shook his head, obviously aware of what he just said. “I realize you’re identical twins, but I guess I didn’t expect you to look exactly like her.”

“Well, not anymore, though. Am I right?” I couldn’t resist a good dig at Tiff.

He was quiet for a moment before taking a deep breath and shrugging. “I told her she didn’t need it, but she didn’t want to listen to me. I finally gave up arguing when it was clear that she was going to follow through with the surgery no matter how I felt about it.”

“So you told her not to go?”

“I never objected to the Botox, because I figured it’s not invasive, and if she needs to do that to feel good about herself, then who am I to tell her she can’t get it done. Then she started with the lip injections. I put up a little bit of a fight with that, but only because I didn’t see anything wrong with her lips before. But when she came to me and said she wanted her nose done, I vehemently objected to that.”

“Wait…all she went to get done was her nose?” I thought about the image of her on FaceTime when she’d called to beg me to do this for her. Either she’d gotten more than her nose done, or they had used a baseball bat to break the bone.

“I don’t know if that’s all she went for and they talked her into more, or if she only told me about the nose, knowing there was nothing I could do about it after the fact. Which would’ve been ridiculous considering she did what she wanted anyway.” He gestured to my face and added, “There was nothing wrong with the way she looked to begin with.”

While most would likely see that as a come-on, I didn’t. He was making a point and using my face to prove it. “Well, I personally agree with you, but then again, I’m a little biased.”

“I just hope that after all this, she realizes how stupid it is. She could’ve died.” Sadness cloaked his words, proving how much he cared about her, which shocked me to the core.

“What do you see in my sister?” I realized how bad that sounded, so I decided to reword it before he had a chance to speak. “I mean, you have to know what kind of person she is and how she treats others. You seem to be a pretty nice guy, which makes it hard to comprehend why you’d want to marry someone like her.”

“Yeah, I see how she can be toward other people, but she’s not like that with me. I know I just said that she never listens to me, but that’s never stopped her from loving me or taking care of me when I need it.”

I believed him—well, more like I believed that he thought that to be true. Tiffany was really great at being whoever she needed to be to get what she wanted. And when she’d set her sights on Adam King, she likely saw dollar signs and a chance to become more famous than she already was. I didn’t doubt for one second that she pretended to be exactly what he wanted to secure her place on his arm. The fact that she was messing around with other guys behind his back was enough to prove that. If she truly loved him the way he thought she did, then she wouldn’t have even entertained the thought of cheating.

The longer I lived my sister’s life, the more I hated her.

The bodies of her victims continued to pile up at my feet.



I was surprised that I hadn’t worn a hole in the floor with how much I’d paced over the last couple of hours. I was too anxious to sit and far too angry to sleep. And the longer it went without hearing from Tasha, the more anxious and angrier I became.

It’d gotten so bad that by the time my phone finally rang, I was fuming. I couldn’t even speak to answer it. I just accepted the call and held the receiver to my ear, waiting for her to say something.

“Hello?” she asked, sounding almost confused. “Jacoby? Are you there?”

“Yeah. What’s up?” I knew I was being ridiculous and dramatic, but I was too far gone to rein it in. I’d had a lot of time to overthink and come up with every worst-case scenario I could imagine. I’d

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