Famous by Association - Leddy Harper Page 0,103

elaborate, please.”

Ty signed, his shoulders drooping the slightest bit. For the first time since meeting him, he appeared to be human. If I hadn’t been in such shock, it might’ve had an impact on things, but since I was in a fog of complete disbelief, it didn’t have any effect on my feelings toward him.

He cleared his throat—a sign of discomfort—and began his sordid tale of how I’d gotten here. “Shortly after she signed the contract for the show, I found out about her and…well, others. It was the last straw for me.”

“So you decided to set her up?”

He nodded, as if the answer was so obvious that he couldn’t believe I needed to ask. “I don’t have to tell you what kind of person she was, nor do I have to tell you how great Adam is. I guess I got tired of watching her use and abuse people without consequence.”

“I take it that means Serenity was involved, too?”

“Not knowingly.” He regarded me for a moment before elaborating. “She was tipped off anonymously. There was no way for it to come back to me—I made sure of it.”

“Then how does my mom know?”

“Tiff found out—well, not exactly. She accused me of it after you left. I denied it, but she didn’t believe me. Doesn’t really matter, though. What’s done is done. She got hers, and that’s all I wanted.”

“Why are you telling me the truth?”

A small smile curled the corners of his lips. “Because you’re a good person who deserves to know. I would’ve told you sooner, but I knew that the only way for it to work was if you were completely taken by surprise.”

I nodded, absorbing all this information. “What about Adam? Does he know?”

“Yeah, I told him…along with the fact that your sister refused to pay you a cent.”

“That means he knew that I had been nothing more than a pawn in your game when he came to town for the project proposal…” I whispered to myself, although it didn’t stop anyone else from hearing.

Ty sighed and stared at his polished shoes for a moment. “I’m really sorry, Tasha. You didn’t deserve to be played like that. I’ll understand if you never forgive me, but I would appreciate it if you could at least try to see my point and motivation.”

“Oh, I totally do.” I smiled, easing some of his tension—along with Jacoby’s and Dave’s. “Tiff is my sister, so trust me…I know the good, the bad, and the ugly. And I wholeheartedly believe that she should’ve paid the price for the damage she helped create. However, that doesn’t mean I think you had any right to orchestrate it.”

Ty’s relief fell away, and with a sad grin, he said, “I agree.”

“But with that being said, if you hadn’t done what you did, I never would’ve met Jacoby.” I placed my hand on Jacoby’s forearm and met his stare. His smile brightened his eyes, lighting my world on fire. “So, I guess I can’t be too upset with you.”

Dave must’ve been bored on the sidelines, because he piped in with, “Yeah, and without Ty, you never would’ve gotten that massive rock.”

“Speaking of Tiff’s ring…what are you going to do with it?”

I wasn’t sure why Ty cared, but I answered anyway. “When the time’s right, I want to buy a house. It’s going to be a bit tricky, because I’ll need one next door for Dave. Now that Adam’s literally funding my entire dream, there’s no real point in using the money for that, and it’s not like I need a lot. So for now, I’m holding off until I have a real reason to sell it.”

Ty and Dave spent the next ten minutes offering suggestions on ways to spend the cash while Jacoby and I laughed off every last idea. Then Adam came over to inform us that it was time to cut the ribbon, so we said bye to Ty—just in case he left before we returned—and moved around to the front of the hall.

Cameras flashed while Dave, Jacoby, and I smiled, posed next to the giant red ribbon, holding a massive pair of plastic scissors. My heart pounded away in my chest, only to come to a screeching halt when Jacoby dropped to one knee.

I could see his mouth move, but the ringing in my ears kept me from hearing the words.

However, I didn’t need to hear them; I knew what they were.

The scene couldn’t have been more perfect if it had been scripted. Bulbs flickered around us, music drifted through the speakers, people gathered about, and then there was Dave, jumping around as if Jacoby had proposed to him.

I couldn’t be upset with the way things had unfolded…

Because it led me here.

Hey You!!

As always, there are a few people who have been by my side through the process of this book, and because of them, I managed to make it through without (too many) drunken nights.

Kev: You are my rock, my safe place, my sounding board, my biggest cheerleader, and everything in between. I still can’t believe you’re mine…and I’m never letting you go!

Marlo: I can’t thank you enough for all you do. Even with your world falling apart, you still manage to find time to be my lobster! I love you, lobs!!

Mimo: You’re an angel. I think God every day for putting you and your family in my life. Here’s to much brighter days ahead!

Lisa: I feel like you’ve always been there, so it’s strange to think that you aren’t mentioned in every single one of my books. Well, from here on out you will be!!

Amanda: You’re the greatest Biffle anyone could ask for! Get ready for that sponsorship we talked about!!

Crystal: Thank you for being the first person to show me what true support is. I love you, best friend!!!

Emily: Through thick and thin, you’ve always remained by my side. I can’t thank you enough for always having my back.

Autumn: I think I’m most proud of the fact that you haven’t kicked me to the curb yet!! HAHA!

Robin: You’ve once again given my book an amazing cover! You’re the best!!!

Julie: I’ve always known you were special, but to now have you on my team in two different aspects just proves that! Thanks for your detailed eye on my baby!

Angela: I can’t thank you enough for giving me whatever time you can spare. I love you, girl!!

Sarah: You’re one of a kind!! Love you, girl!!

Jeannine: Sorry I made your husband a dick…it was kind of a last minute idea lol!! Other than that, I hope you like how I portrayed the character with your name.

Lauren: I couldn’t very well have a Jeannine without a Lauren as her bff!!

Nicole: No matter how much time has passed between conversations, always know that you’re in my thoughts, and I think the world of you!

Shari: I’m so excited to have you in this book! You rock! Love you, y0u crazy lady!!

All the girls in Leddyisms: You all have shown me so much love and support. I seriously have the best group ever!!

Readers: Whether you enjoyed Jacoby and Tasha’s story or hated it, I can’t thank you enough for giving me chance. It means the world to me!

Bloggers: You all are hands-down my heroes. I’m so appreciative for each and every one of you for all you do. Without bloggers’ help, I’d be nothing. I love you all!

Anyone ready for Adam’s story???

About the Author

Leddy Harper had to use her imagination often as a child. She grew up the only girl in a house full of boys. At the age of fourteen, she decided to use that imagination and wrote her first book, and never stopped. She often calls writing her therapy, using it as a way to deal with issues through the eyes of her characters.

She is now a mother of three girls. The decision to publish her first book was made as a way of showing her children to go after whatever it is they want to. Love what they do and do it well. And to teach them what it means to overcome their fears.

Also by Leddy Harper

The Long Road Home

My Biggest Mistake

Falling to Pieces

Take Your Time

Beautiful Boy

Eminent Love

Resuscitate Me

Invisible Scars



I Do(n’t)

The Roommate ‘dis’Agreement

Love Rerouted

Kiss My Ash

The (Half) Truth

The Reality of Wright and Wrong

Free Bird (novella)

The (Secret) Baby

The unEXpected Plan


Throne Away

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