A Family of Their Own - By Gail Gaymer Martin Page 0,72

and the three of them stepped into the hallway.

“Everything went well, and I know you’ll be glad to hear the problem was scar tissue.”

“Scar tissue.” Kelsey’s hand rose to her chest. “Thank You, Lord.”

The surgeon smiled. “It’s a relief, I know. I’ll want to keep an eye on it, since it had grown a little, but there were no signs of any other problems. She’s in ICU just as a precautionary measure, but when she awakens, a nurse will come to get you.”

Kelsey extended her hand. “Thank you, doctor. I’m so relieved.”

He nodded, aware of her worry, and then smiled at Peyton and Ross. “You can take a break now. Visit the cafeteria. You won’t be called for at least an hour.”

Ross shook the surgeon’s hand. “Thanks so much.”

He slid his arm around Kelsey’s back, and they watched the surgeon retreat, but a sob caught his attention, and he turned to Peyton. Tears rolled down her cheeks. He slipped his arm from Kelsey and drew Peyton into his arms. “Go ahead and cry. I know they’re happy tears.”

Though she didn’t speak, she nodded. Her body quivered with emotion, and his heart filled with gratefulness for her change of heart. He recalled Lucy and Peyton’s first meetings and how unsuccessful they were. Now they’d become like sisters. He sent a silent prayer of thankfulness.

Kelsey moved beside them and kissed Peyton’s hair. “She’ll be as good as new very soon, and we’ll see her in a while once she wakes up.”

Ross shifted back, still keeping one arm around his daughter. “How about some food? Anyone hungry?”

He chuckled when he heard even Peyton give a rousing yes.

Inside the cafeteria, they moved from station to station, salad here, sandwiches there, burgers and fries across the way, and when they’d filled their trays and paid, he located a table near the window where they could see the sun shining. Beds of colorful flowers added to their happy feelings.

His gaze drifted to Peyton. Her new medication had changed her life. The arrhythmia she’d dealt with for so long had subsided. Since the day she pulled her own luggage into Kelsey’s, he gave her no more arguments. If she wanted to do things herself, he allowed it. She needed to learn to live with her damaged heart, and he’d probably coddled her too much, now that he thought about it. Maybe Kelsey wasn’t so wrong after all.

Peyton gave him a questioning look. “Why are you looking at me?”

“Because I’m proud of you.”

A frown crinkled her smooth forehead. “That’s not why.”

“I guess it’s because I’m so happy that your medicine is helping you. It could change your life.” His imagination soared.

“Maybe we could actually go on a vacation, Dad.” She gave him a silly smile. “Someplace that’s not next to a hospital.”

A chuckle burst from Kelsey, and he laughed with her. “I was always afraid to be too far from a town that had a good medical facility.”

“We’ve been through the same thing with Lucy, except not quite so bad. At least her problem gave us more warning.”

Hearing Lucy’s name, Ross eyed his watch. Another half hour. “Does Lucy have a place she’s always wanted to go?”

Kelsey chuckled. “You know my daughter. She read a book about a girl in Paris. She wanted to go there. Then it was Hawaii. In another book, the girl went to New York City. Now she wants to go everywhere.”

“Me, too.” Peyton’s eyes glistened, and Ross loved to see her excitement. “Paris. We could see the Eiffel Tower and ride to the top. Dad?” She wiggled her eyebrows. “It’s the city of romance.”

Romance. Air drained from Kelsey’s lungs. She’d waited too long. Even Peyton had made assumptions about their relationship.

“Peyton.” He gave her a playful smack.

She giggled. “How about Hawaii? I could wear flowers in my hair and learn to hula.” Her gaze shifted to Kelsey.

Kelsey felt compelled to respond. “Hawaii sounds lovely.”

Ross’s mind captured the excitement. A honeymoon in Hawaii. He drew in a deep breath and relaxed in a pool of sunny thoughts.

“You know, I should call Audrey, and I promised Karen I’d call her.”

Kelsey’s voice nudged away his dreams.

She scooted back her chair. “I’ll go out in the hallway where it’s quiet.”

He nodded. “We’re almost done here. Go ahead and we’ll meet you there.”

She scurried away, digging out her cell phone, leaving Ross with romantic images zinging through his mind. He tucked those away and gazed at Peyton across the table. “It’s wonderful to see you and Lucy friends.”


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