A Family of Their Own - By Gail Gaymer Martin Page 0,24

been his choice, so often he wished he hadn’t given it to her. Kelsey had mentioned spoiling the girls. She called it overindulgent. He wanted to deny it, but now he asked himself the same question. Peyton had a serious heart condition, but the guestroom would have been plenty of space with a twin bed. A chair and desk would fit on the side wall. The feature that had triggered his decision caught his eye—the double door leading to the porch. The last vestiges of light spilled onto the carpet unhampered by the now leafless trees.

Ross opened his door and strode into the hallway and through the great room. He checked his watch. Mrs. Withers would arrive any minute. When he reached Peyton’s door, he paused, then tapped. “Can I come in?”

No response, but the door opened seconds later, and he was greeted by Peyton’s unhappy expression. “Why can’t I go with you?”

His chest knotted. “You’re with me most of the time, except when you’re in school.”

“Why can’t I go with you tonight?”

He wanted to sit with her and talk, but she wasn’t budging from the doorway. The room taunted him with his unwise decision. The large space had made her too comfortable with her own easy chair, a TV and a CD player. He’d even set up a desk for her to do schoolwork.

“Sometimes adults need time for adult talk.”

“I’m an adult, Dad. You keep forgetting.”

“You’ll be a teenager soon, Peyton, but I’m going to take time for me tonight.” Kelsey and me. His pulse skipped. Trembling. Charging pulse. He shook his head and licked his dry lips. “Don’t make me feel guilty for wanting a little time for myself. I give you—” Don’t say it. “I love you so much. That will never change.”

“You’d rather be with her.”

Air flew from his lungs. “I’m with you all the time, Peyton. You’re not alone. Lucy has a sitter, too.” And he couldn’t imagine Lucy whining about it.

The doorbell saved him from Peyton’s unhappiness. He bent and kissed her cheek. “Mrs. Withers will order pizza for you. She said she’d make a salad, too.”

“Lucky me.” The door banged.

Irritation slammed against him. He turned from the door and headed for the foyer, determined to have a pleasant evening despite Peyton’s dispirited attitude.

Yet, the door’s thud rang in his head.

Chapter Six

When Kelsey pulled open the door, Ross gave her a long look while his pulse skipped up his arm.

She stepped back. “Come in a minute.”

“You look amazing.” Gorgeous. Her wine-colored dress wrapped around her and draped over her hips in a soft swirl. She’d done something to her hair, and tonight it fell in soft waves to her shoulders. Earrings dangled from her earlobes, and he couldn’t take his eyes off them and her beautiful eyes.

Kelsey gazed down at her dress, then searched his eyes. “Thanks.” A grin crept to her face, and she ran her fingers over the lapel of his sport coat. “You don’t look bad yourself.”

He stepped into the foyer, and she closed the door. Her comment echoed in his mind, and he gave a nervous chuckle. “Thanks.” When she looked away, he cringed at his ridiculous jitters.

Kelsey motioned toward the living room, and he followed her, seeing an elderly woman in the kitchen doorway.

“Ross, this is Marge Butler. She’s my wonderful sitter who only lives down the street.”

He crossed to her side and shook her hand.

When he looked back, Kelsey was heading into the hallway as her voice sailed back into the room. “Lucy. Ross is here.”

In seconds, Lucy came to the living room door and waved. “Hi, Ross. Have fun, and bring Mom home before midnight.” She giggled, gave her mom a kiss on the cheek, then beckoned to the sitter. “Let’s make hot chocolate.” She darted past him toward the kitchen.

Marge chuckled. “I’m sure she has more up her sleeve.” With a grin, she followed Lucy, her head wagging like a bobble-head doll.

Ross smiled at the lighthearted spirit in Kelsey’s home. She’d been through so much, yet she faced it as if she’d been born to the task. He envied that ability. And Lucy. Her spirit made him smile but ache at the same time.

Kelsey called a goodnight and stepped into the foyer where he held her coat as she shrugged it on.

Outside, Ross backed out of the driveway and headed toward Rochester Road, his thoughts on the past few minutes. “That was easy.”

Kelsey glanced his way. “What?”

“No complaints from Lucy. Not one.”

“From Lucy?” She chuckled. “She

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