A Family of Their Own - By Gail Gaymer Martin Page 0,23

were—that they could start their own group?” She motioned to the new woman in the back. “Once men start to come, new ones will join and soon they could become DOSK.” She grinned. “Dads of Special Kids.”

Voices flew at her. “That will work.”

“I like that idea.”

“Let’s try it.”

For Kelsey, the idea fell flat, but it was better than nothing. “Is this what you want?”

Most nodded while only a few shook their heads. “Then let’s put it to a vote.”

A few hands shot up. Then others followed. Two people— including herself—struggled with the yes with an addendum, but the vote passed.

As the women filed out, she pulled her cell phone out of her purse, weighing the urge to call Ross now or wait until he called her about the date.

Date. The word made her feel giddy.

“You’re not really happy, are you?” Lexie’s hand rested on her shoulder.

“Better than a no vote.”

She nodded. “Ross will see it as good news.”

Kelsey lifted her hand to show Lexie her cell phone. “I’m going to call him.”

“Tell him hello from us.” She gave a wave and strode toward the exit.

Kelsey sank into a chair and looked at the phone. She should be smiling, but she felt uneasy. She closed her eyes, opened them and hit the contacts button. Ross’s number came in sight, and before she could change her mind, she hit Send. When he answered, air drained from her lungs. After she got out the yes vote, she had to wrap her mind around the condition.

“A trial period?” Ross’s voice rose in pitch. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy but—”

“I know. I feel the same way.”

“Thanks, Kelsey. I know that wasn’t an easy vote for the ladies. I hope I haven’t created a mess for you.”

“Don’t worry. They’ll get used to the idea.” She grasped at anything to lighten the mood. “It’ll add a little adventure to their lives.”

He chuckled. “Speaking of adventure, what about that date?”

Her spirit lifted. “What do you have in mind?”

“This Saturday about 6:30. Dinner at Clawson Steak House, and they have a dance band. We can talk and enjoy the music.”

“That sounds nice, Ross. I’ll get a sitter, or maybe Lucy can stay with Lexie. I’ll check. It works for me.”

“Great, and thanks for letting me know about the vote. I’ll give you a couple of weeks to adjust and send a warning through you when I’m coming. Maybe I’ll pass the test.”

She squirmed at the comment. “You’ve already passed it in my eyes.”

They said goodbye, and the conversation flashed through her mind. A test. It sounded uncaring. They created the option as a practical compromise, the same way she’d viewed much of her life. But Ross had offered her an alternative. Take a chance. A smile grew on her face. Dinner and music, and time to talk. The idea slipped through her like satin.

From now on, she would work toward being more open, to look at the less practical side of things, because then she might actually see into someone else’s heart.

Ross knotted his tie, looked in the mirror and tugged it off. He studied himself again. A sports shirt and jacket might look better. He shrugged off his dress shirt and suit pants and tossed them on the bed. A first date. How long had it been? Forever, it seemed. He strode to his closet and dug through it. Dark pants? Beige? The temperature had registered only thirty-five degrees. Winter hung over them like an ice pack. He pulled black trousers from a hanger and slipped them on, found a belt and threaded it.

He sank onto the edge of the bed, feeling juvenile. Finally, he pushed himself up and studied his shirts. He settled for a black-and-gray plaid, then tugged a gray pullover from the shelf. He drew it over his head and fixed his collar with shaking fingers. Ross rolled his eyes. He’d enjoyed Kelsey’s company on two previous outings. Yes, the girls had been there, but so what? He and Kelsey chatted. They laughed. They got serious, but he enjoyed their time together.

Tonight they’d be alone. That was the only difference. Alone. That apparently was his problem. He eyed the mirror, giving a nod of approval. Neat but casual. Alone was a bonus. No interruptions. He could learn more about her, and she, about him. Did he even want that? His boring life wouldn’t be much to talk about.

He gazed around the small bedroom, picturing Peyton pouting in his master bedroom. Although the decision had

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