A Family of Their Own - By Gail Gaymer Martin Page 0,19

feeling in Kelsey. Yet the relationship lacked too much. Two people needed time to develop a solid friendship before it grew into something more. But already her heart had gotten tangled up in the situation. Was it feelings for Ross or Peyton? When she closed her eyes, his face appeared—not his daughter’s.

She pushed herself from the wall, her stride slower than when she left. Guarding her heart needed to be a priority. Nothing should distract her from Lucy’s needs, both as her only parent and as a caregiver. Thankfulness for Lucy’s recent health billowed in her mind. Lucy had been well for months. She thanked God for the blessing.

When she entered the living room, Ross’s head snapped up, his eyes searching hers. She nodded. “It’s fine.” She approached him and sank into the chair she’d vacated. “Have you talked with Peyton?”

“I did before I left. I’ll call Mrs. Withers. She’s with Peyton and will tell her to get ready.”

“Would you like some coffee? I have a pot made.”

“Thanks. That sounds good.”

He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket as Kelsey headed for the kitchen. The dishwasher from the dinner dishes had grown silent. She opened the door but closed it again. Ross didn’t need that much time for his call and she would put the dishes away later. Instead, she poured coffee into two cups, and when she carried them back into the living room, Ross’s call had ended.

“Thanks.” He grasped the cup and rested his back against the chair. “She’ll be ready when we get there.” He took a careful sip of the hot coffee.

“Lucy’s finishing her math, and then we can go.” Their conversation had become stilted. She eyed Ross to see if he noticed, then decided it was her problem. Too much thinking. Like too much salt, that could ruin the soup, except in this case, the soup was her confusing relationship with him. She tasted the coffee and set the cup down.

“Do you ever wonder if you’re overindulgent with Peyton?” The question flew from her mouth like a disturbed bat and it was just as frightening when she heard the words.

Ross’s eyes widened and confusion registered on his face. “Do you think I am?” He gripped the cup as if it were a lifesaver.

Yes. Maybe. She didn’t know, but that wasn’t the question she meant to ask. “I think I’ve babied Lucy too much sometimes. I just wondered if you ever think that.”

Coffee sloshed from the cup to his leg but went unnoticed as he peered at her. “How can you overindulge a sick child?”

Irritation tinged his words, and Kelsey wished she hadn’t said it that way. “What I mean is, do we hover over them? Are we allowing our kids to learn to fend for themselves? They’re becoming teenagers, and they—”

“Kelsey.” He set the cup on the table. “I don’t know if Peyton will ever be a teenager. Her mother only lived a couple years after she was diagnosed. It was too late.”

A deep ache ripped through Kelsey’s heart. She hung her head and closed her eyes, sensing his pain not only for himself but for his daughter. “How long ago, Ross? Does Peyton remember her mom?”

“She was six, and she remembers.”

The sorrow in his voice enveloped her. “You’re trying to be mother and father, I know.”

“And I’m not good at either one.”

Her head shot up. “Don’t say that. I wasn’t accusing you when I asked that question about overindulging.” Dumb, stupid question. She wished she could bite back the words. “I was asking because of my own guilt, too. We forget our kids that have to survive in the real world. Let’s be optimistic and believe that both of our kids will be teenagers and adults. Let’s do that.”

Ross drew in a ragged breath. “I tell myself that every day.”

“Believe it every day. That’s how we hold on. Prayer and hope. I live with both on my heart and lips.”

“Sorry for jumping at you, Kelsey. I feel guilty sometimes. I don’t know how to ease up and force issues with Peyton. I don’t know how to stop myself from giving in. She has me wrapped around her finger, I suppose.”

“We’re all guilty of that.” She managed to grin. “You know about tough love. It’s sort of like that, I guess, but we have to use it on ourselves. Not the kids.”

A noise alerted her, and she glanced toward the doorway. “You’re ready?”

Lucy nodded, her gaze drifting to Ross.

He grinned. “Ready for a movie

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