Fame and Secrets - Cora Kenborn Page 0,9

the one dumped in Griffith Park.

Cursing under my breath, I hit another speed dial button.

“Damn it, Bale… I told you I’d call when I had something.”

“That’s not good enough. I need to know now.”

There’s a pause as a door closes on the other end of the line. “I’m doing the best I can. There isn’t much to go on. It’s like trying to find Waldo in a crowd of damn Waldos.”

Pacing, I place the bottle on the dining room table and palm the back of my neck in frustration. “Hough, I’m leaving, and I’m no closer to finding this son of a bitch than I was when I got on the plane in Phoenix. I can’t leave her like this. Can’t you understand that?”

Detective Jaxon Hough of the NYPD lowers his voice. “Believe it or not, I can. I used to be married, remember?” He lets out a tired sigh. “Look, I want to find him as much as you do.”

“I doubt that.”

“The man is a waste of air. Besides, it’s not just about doing my job. I consider you and Phoebe friends. When someone threatens my friends, I take it personally.”

“Well, take it personal as fuck and find where the son of a bitch is hiding.” I sink onto the leather couch. I don’t doubt him. Jaxon Hough helped catch my stalker in New York when I trusted no one.

Unfortunately, I’m sleep deprived and looking for a fight.

“Bale? You still there?”

“Yeah, I know. Don’t do anything stupid.” I mutter, saying out loud what I know he’s thinking. “I won’t be reckless, but I won’t be complacent, either. I’ve seen first-hand what he can do, Hough. He took a blade to his own daughter. She cost him his freedom, and then I put a damn spotlight on her. He’s coming to settle the debt.”

“I’ve got the FBI on this, Bale. Dalton won’t touch her.”

“What are you going to do, issue a restraining order?” I laugh. “I can give you seven reasons why you can wipe your ass with it.” I wince as the jagged scars on her stomach flash through my mind. Recalling our conversation in the hospital, I lower my voice in case she’s awake. “Look into the Griffith Park Merry-Go-Round murder from yesterday morning—”

“Julian, that’s not my jurisdiction,” he interrupts. “Call the LAPD. I’m sure they have way more information than—”

I clench my teeth. “I don’t trust anyone in the LAPD. I trust you. I’m telling you, check deeper into the Griffith Park murder. Phoebe is convinced it’s Dalton’s handiwork. I downplayed it, but it’s right up that sick fuck’s alley.”

“I’ll do what I can.”

I’ve pushed him far enough. “Thanks. Call me. I don’t care what time it is—I’ll answer.”

“You can’t keep her in the dark, Bale.” His tone shifts from friendly to authoritative. “Remember how well that worked out with Tanna LeMyre?”

I resent him bringing up my stalker. I’ll always regret keeping it from Phoebe. I came close to losing her over it, and I don’t like having it thrown in my face.

However, he has a point.

“She knows I’m concerned. I’ll tell her when I have something concrete. Until then, I won’t upset her. I’ve got a kid to think about, Hough. You have a son, you get it.”

“Yeah, I get it. But I still think having her followed by shady gang members is a bad idea. It’s going to blow up in your face.”

He’s starting to piss me off. “They’re not a gang. With a psycho like Daniel Dalton, you fight fire with more fucked up fire.”

“Man, you can’t keep her in a bubble. No way in hell will Phoebe go for that. Let me break it down for her—she’ll understand and be careful.”

“You aren’t going to break down shit for her.”

“She deserves to know what’s going on.”

“No. I can’t risk anything happening to her or the baby.” Anger quickly replaces fear. “You’re working for me on the side, right?”

“Right,” he grumbles.

“Which means you do as I say. Am I making myself clear, or would you like me to send you a fucking email?”

His tone sharpens. “Crystal clear. Don’t worry, Mr. Bale, I’ll do my job per your explicit instructions. Miss Ryan will be taken care of without her knowledge.”

“Was that necessary? Don’t I have enough to worry about without adding concern for your bruised ego?”

“Man, I like you, but you’re being a real dick right now. Pack your shit, go on tour, and I’ll give you updates.”

Immediately, my mouth is filled with the bitter taste

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