Falling for the Billionaire's Daughter - Lori Ryan Page 0,25

mouth literally watered at the sight. He was incredible. Taut muscles defined in places she didn’t think they could look like that. At least not unless it was on some air brushed model in a magazine.

Now she stepped close to him, putting her hands to the smooth expanse of his chest. She would swear even her fingers were aroused at the feel of him and she was almost embarrassed at the way she was so wet.

He grabbed his pants and took a few condoms from the pocket before coming back to her. He put his arms around her and walked them to the back of the studio style space to where her bed was at the back.

God, she was really doing this.

When they hit the bed and collapsed onto it, he took charge, dominating their kiss as his tongue danced with hers. He stole her breath, stole her sanity, stole any inhibitions she had.

She rocked her hips against him and he groaned, taking her wrists and moving them above her head where he trapped them in the grip of one hand.

She moaned. He was working his way down her neck with his tongue and every part of her body responded. She wanted to beg for more. To plead with him for release.

At the same time, she wanted it to last forever.

And that was a frightening thought. This was temporary. She needed to make sure her body, heart, and mind understood that.

His teeth grazed her ear and then he worked his way south, doing the same to her nipples. Then her stomach.

And then he was at the juncture of her legs and his hot mouth closed over her, sending her writhing as she gasped out his name.

He slid his finger into her and she knew then that she was done for. This man was going to take everything from her. He was going to demand everything and leave her helpless to resist him.

He sucked at her clitoris as he slipped another finger beside the first and she came hard and fast. He was moaning as she came and the fact he seemed to get off on her pleasure as much as she was getting off made it all the more intense.

He wrenched passion from her, the orgasm seeming to go on and on. And when he crawled up her body to meet her gaze she was surprised to see he’d already put the condom on when she had been melting on a wave of paradise.

He kissed her mouth, slow and long and then she felt him, his hard length pressing at her entrance. He teased her for a moment, the wicked look in his eyes showing her she was going to love every minute they would have together over the next week.

There was no doubt she would stay now. She couldn’t walk away from this.

And then he entered her in one smooth stroke and she cried out.

He cupped her face. “Okay?”

She loved that he was asking her but if he didn’t start moving she was going to lose her everloving mind.

She moved her hips. “Yes. So okay. All the okays. Now move.”

His laugh was sexy. But then he stilled her hips with one hand and kept her from rocking against him.

“If I don’t?” he asked, his eyes on her, amused arousal clear in them.

She might have whimpered. Okay, she did whimper. “Kaeden.”


She turned her head and nipped his shoulder with her teeth.

He groaned and gave her what she wanted, beginning to move inside her.

Kaeden had to grit his teeth to hold himself back as he slid slowly out of Joy. It took all his control not to slam back into her and lose himself in the sensation of being inside this woman.

She was incredible. He didn’t know what scared him more. The way his cock seemed to get harder with each moan that slipped from her lips or the way he had zero restraint when it came to Joy Wilson.

Discipline and the ability to keep his distance from people were the two things that kept him sane. And she was chiseling away at them both.

He was an asshole but he pulled out, causing her eyes to go wide.

“Roll over,” he said, helping her to flip onto her stomach and then pulling her up onto her hands and knees.

Christ, he thought he could disconnect if he wasn’t looking into her eyes. But this was just as bad. The silky white skin and the supple curve of her back was intoxicating.

He ran a

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