Fallen - Mia Sheridan Page 0,70

the porch of a house just ahead caught her eye and she looked over as her car moved slowly toward it, her heart jolting as a lump filled her throat.

Camden West was exiting the small blue house with the black shutters, buttoning the collar of his uniform shirt with one hand and carrying some sort of black bag with the other. The woman behind him, leaning in the doorway, wore a short strapless nightie, her smile sleepy as she waved goodbye to him. Scarlett recognized her as the same pretty brunette she’d seen him with at the hardware store, the one who had been arguing in Mason’s office. He turned and called something to her, turning back around just as Scarlett’s car passed directly in front of the house, the smile he’d shot the woman fading as his gaze met Scarlett’s. He stopped short, his head turning as his eyes stayed on hers, following the movement of her car.

Scarlett jerked her head forward, her hands gripping the steering wheel fiercely. Her breath released in a sudden gust of pent-up air.

Well, no wonder.

No wonder he ran so hot and cold. Mystery solved.

He was involved with someone else.

He was an asshole.

At this rate, as far as she was concerned, all men were assholes. That woman had had no reason to scowl at her when she first saw her at Grady’s, but now?

God, she was mad.

So why did she also have to feel so shitty? Why did she feel so hurt?

They’d shared nothing but a kiss. Just one meaningless kiss that he’d obviously quickly regretted. And now it was clear why.

Things with him were complicated?

No, buddy, they’re simple.

And I’m a misjudging fool.

She pulled to the curb in front of Millie’s house. The curtain rustled and Scarlett watched as Millie pulled it aside, shooting them a big grin and waving from her window. Scarlett released a slow breath, trying to regain a measure of peace. Her insides felt like she’d been shaken and all her organs were rearranged.

Why do you have such awful taste in men? she asked herself. Just why? Maybe she should be asking a different question though. Why do men already in relationships find me so attractive? Gullible? She groaned internally. God, it was far too early to handle this. She would put to rest any feelings she’d had toward the deputy, which was a good thing. Her daughter deserved all her attention.

Scarlett got Haddie out of the car and then they walked hand in hand to Millie’s door, Millie pulling it open before they’d even climbed the three steps. “Good morning,” she said with a smile.

“Hi, Millie,” Scarlett greeted, handing over the bag she’d packed for Haddie. “There’s an extra set of clothes in there and her lunch.”

“Awesome.” She took the bag and looked at Haddie. “I have a really cool Fourth of July craft to work on with you today. I got started on it in the living room. Do you want to go check it out while I talk to your mommy for a minute?”

Haddie nodded. “Bye, Mommy.”

Scarlett smiled at her daughter, a burst of emotion making her feel suddenly weepy. She pulled her forward, wrapping her arms around her precious girl and hugging her tightly for a moment before letting her go. “Go ahead and check out that craft. I bet it’s really cool.”

“Okay, Mommy. See you in a minute, Millie,” she singsonged turning the corner into the living room.

“Is everything okay?” she asked Millie, a concerned frown creasing her brow.

Millie nodded, but she looked uncertain. “It is . . . I just . . . Haddie’s just the sweetest little girl, so I wasn’t sure whether to even mention this but—”

“I always want you to be honest, Millie, no matter what. If it has to do with Haddie, I want to hear it.”

The girl nodded, another flicker of doubt passing through her eyes. “Well, yesterday, we walked over to the ice cream stand a couple blocks away.”

“Yes, I told you that was fine.”

Millie nodded. “Haddie was very sweet. She has such good manners.”


“We were walking home, and all of a sudden Haddie let go of my hand and went running across the street.”

Scarlett blinked with confused worry. “Why?”

“There’s a boy—Roger Green—who lives a block over. He’s in a wheelchair. Haddie ran straight for him, and then bent down and said something to him. I was too far away to hear what it was, but . . . well, whatever she said made him start screaming and

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