Fallen - Mia Sheridan Page 0,68

you are. “Yes, Ms. Wykes.”

She smiled. “Good. Tell the other girls what you have done, and why you required cleansing.”

Kandace moved her eyes toward the other girls. Her gaze met that of Lucille, the girl she’d passed in the hallway and the girl lowered her eyes, a flash of guilt moving over her expression. She’d followed Kandace. She’d seen her entering Ms. Wykes’s office. She’d told on her. Which meant . . . it was all they knew? She pulled her shoulders back very slightly, holding back the sob of pain. You’re stronger than you think you are. She looked from one classmate to the other, hoping they could see in her gaze that though she was bent—burned and bloodied—she was not broken. “I snuck into Ms. Wykes’s office to find the drugs I brought with me,” she said. “Drugs, a tool of the devil.” She let her head fall slightly.

“Yes, drugs, a tool of the devil, indeed,” Ms. Wykes said. “Will you cast away all tools of Satan from this moment forward, Ms. Thompson?”

“Yes, Ms. Wykes.”

“Why? Why will you do that?”

She looked at her in confusion for a moment, and then realized what she wanted from her. “Because,” her voice cracked, “my utmost for His glory.”

Ms. Wykes nodded proudly, like one of her students who had formerly been severely lacking suddenly showed a sign of possibility. “Yes, Ms. Thompson. All that you are. All that you must cast away. All that you must relinquish and forsake. Your utmost for His glory. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand. My utmost for His glory,” Kandace repeated weakly. Behind her, the sun blazed. On her wrists, the cord bit into her bloody flesh. She cringed and shook, biting the inside of her cheeks to keep from passing out. Her eyes, so, so heavy, lifted slightly to capture Ms. Wykes in her fiendish satisfaction.

“Repeat after Ms. Thompson, girls,” Ms. Wykes said, turning toward the other students. They repeated the words in a low monotone.

Ms. Wykes, a pleased smile on her lips, raised her arms in the air and sang out the words herself, throwing her head back as though in ecstasy. “Now then. Shall we begin our service?”

Kandace wavered in and out of consciousness as the service droned on, but she didn’t let the pain make her cry out again, and not a tear slipped from her eye. Instead, she repeated the line Scarlett had whispered so lovingly to her all those years ago, drawing strength not only from the memory, but from the fact that her friend had said them with such conviction. She had believed in Kandace, and she had hoped Kandace would believe in herself too. She hadn’t then.

I will now, she promised her friend. I’ll try.

When at long last, the service was over, Kandace was untied and lowered gently, almost reverently. She bore her own weight, testing her tailbone that still ached terribly, but was not nearly the worst of her pain. Kandace let out a slow exhale as a light cloth was wrapped around her body.

They helped her shuffle back up to her room and then one of the other instructors came in, not meeting her eyes as she slathered burn cream over her skin. She lay down on her bed with a groaning sob and was tucked in under the sheets.

A few minutes after the door had shut behind them, her roommates came into the room, kneeling down next to her, their eyes red and puffy, their expressions full of anguish. Sydney reached out tentatively to touch her, perhaps to smooth the strands of hair back that had fallen over Kandace’s brow, but pulled away, her hand trembling. “My God,” she whispered. “What did they do to you?”

“I’ll be okay,” Kandace said, voice gritty with pain. She hadn’t looked in a mirror. She didn’t know what she looked like, but she had to figure her skin would scab over and heal, that they hadn’t gone deep enough to scar. She was going to feel like she had the worst sunburn of her existence for a while. She was going to be unable to sleep for at least a week as her raw skin stuck to her sheets. Her bruised tailbone was going to cause her to cry out each time she sat up. But she was going to be okay.

A tear rolled down Aurora’s cheek. “Hey,” Kandace said, “think of it as a free chemical peel. They basically gave me a cosmetic procedure that some women pay thousands

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