Fallen Angel - Tracy Borman Page 0,115

countess might not be standing here now.

‘And how are you, Lady Tyringham? I have hardly seen you either, since the young lord’s funeral.’

‘I have been keeping Lady Katherine company, madam.’

The countess sat down without being invited to do so. ‘Well, it is not good for you to be cooped up here, my dear,’ she went on, to Kate. ‘You look so pale and wan, and that sombre colour becomes you very ill. Nobody can expect you to stay in mourning for ever.’

‘It has been two weeks. I do not dress to flatter myself, but out of respect for my late brother.’

At Kate’s unusually abrupt tone, Frances was gratified to see the momentary shock on the older woman’s face.

‘Be that as it may, you must soon enter society once more. The King himself demands it.’

‘The King?’ Kate echoed in dismay.

‘Why, yes. My son heard him remark upon the matter yesterday. George assured him that you do not intend any offence, but you would be advised to prove it by making an appearance.’ Kate opened her mouth to respond, but the countess pressed on: ‘He does not expect you to attend the feasts and revels, of course – such a thing would be vulgar. But he will take it amiss if you do not soon emerge from your chambers.’

Kate glanced at Frances in alarm.

‘His Grace is most kind to trouble himself with such a matter when there must be so many weightier ones to occupy his thoughts,’ Frances observed solemnly. ‘A ride might do us both good, Kate? We can go tomorrow, if the weather improves.’

‘Nonsense,’ the Countess interjected. ‘All of the parkland will be a mire after this late rain. Besides, I have an altogether better plan. You must dine with me at my house in Chelsea this evening – please, I will brook no objection. It is quite settled. I will arrange for my barge to be at the water gate for six.’

‘But, madam—’

The countess was already on her feet. ‘The King has sent one of his cooks to help prepare our feast, as well as some grooms to attend us. He would look askance at a refusal after he has been so generous.’

Frances sensed Kate’s mounting panic. ‘Then permit me to accompany Lady Katherine, madam,’ she said firmly. ‘She cannot travel alone and I promised Lord Rutland that I would be her constant companion.’

Lady Buckingham gave a sniff. ‘As you wish.’

Neither Frances nor Kate spoke as the oarsmen steered the brightly painted barge towards a landing stage that was lit by two large braziers. A groom dressed in the countess’s livery was waiting to escort them to the imposing mansion that lay at the top of the rigidly ordered gardens. As they neared the portico, Frances clasped Kate’s hand. The fingers were icy cold.

They were ushered into a richly furnished hall. Although she wished herself far from there, Frances was glad of the warmth from the large fire that roared in the grate.

‘Lady Katherine!’

The countess was striding towards them, arms outstretched. ‘You are most welcome, my dear,’ she said, kissing her on both cheeks. Her smile vanished as she flicked a glance at her companion. ‘Lady Tyringham.’

She gestured for an attendant to offer them some wine. Frances discreetly sniffed the contents of her glass before taking a small sip.

‘I hope the night air has sharpened your appetite. Our feast is almost ready.’

Kate gave a tight smile.

‘And I for one am ravenous.’ Buckingham flashed Kate a wolfish grin as he sauntered into the room. He bent to kiss her hand, his lips lingering a little too long. A blush crept across her cheeks. The marquess saw it, and his smile widened. She does not blush from pleasure but shame, Frances wanted to tell him. But she merely curtsied.

‘So the little mouse has been coaxed from her nest,’ he remarked, taking a slow sip of wine. ‘Tell me, Mother, what bait did you use? A few morsels from your kitchens, perhaps?’ He strolled over to the countess and kissed her on the lips as she gazed adoringly at him. ‘Or was it the prospect of something more . . . satisfying?’

Frances swallowed her revulsion.

‘The feast is ready, ma’am.’

The countess waved away the groom impatiently and snaked her hand around her son’s arm so that he might lead her to the dining room. Frances took Kate’s hand and they followed at a distance.

The dining table stretched in front of them. The King’s cook must have been hard at work for days. The

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