Fallen Angel - Tracy Borman Page 0,100

downturned mouth was due to her having picked up on the countess’s goading or simply to her natural aversion towards her.

‘I wonder that they thought to hunt at all today.’ Frances was arranging the cards in her hand. ‘It is hardly the weather for it, and there will only have been light enough for a few hours’ riding at most.’

‘That is all they will have needed,’ the countess said, with a smirk.

Frances tried hard to focus on her cards. She must not read meaning into Lady Buckingham’s words where none existed.

‘Tell me, how are your sons, Lady Tyringham?’ she continued. ‘Boys are such a comfort to their mother, are they not? Certainly my George is to me.’

More than people realise. ‘And Lord Purbeck, of course. You must be looking forward to a first grandchild.’ She was pleased to see the countess’s lips purse again. That her eldest son was living apart from his new wife was one of the worst kept secrets at court.

‘Of course,’ Lady Buckingham replied briskly. ‘Though I feel sure that George will steal a march on him.’ She directed a sly look at Kate, who stared intently at her cards, a flush creeping up her neck. ‘I wonder that you do not spend more time at Tyringham Hall,’ she persisted, staring at Frances. ‘I am sure His Majesty would be only too glad to grant you leave – and my son could arrange it if there is any difficulty.’

‘You are most kind, madam,’ Frances said, ‘but I am not minded to go there at present. When the spring comes, perhaps. I have too much to occupy me here for now.’

‘Oh?’ The countess arched an eyebrow. ‘I cannot think what might entice you to remain here at Whitehall. You have so little company.’

Frances smiled at Kate. ‘Ah, but that which I have is worth keeping. I am blessed in my friends – my husband, too.’ She was glad to see Kate smile shyly back.

This silenced the countess for a time, and all three women appeared to turn their attention to the game. Frances resisted the temptation to steal another look into the courtyard. It was so dark now that she would not be able to see much anyway. Instead, she allowed her gaze to wander over to the group of young ladies who had accompanied their mistress. Most seemed rather bored and were picking at their dresses or slowly fanning themselves – though the meagre heat from the fire hardly warranted it. Then her eyes alighted upon one who was sitting slightly apart from the rest. She was a good deal younger and appeared ill at ease. When the girl raised her eyes, Frances felt sure she had seen her somewhere before.

The clatter of hoofs in the courtyard distracted her. The countess was first to the window, pushing past Frances in her eagerness. ‘My son has returned!’ she exclaimed joyfully. ‘Excuse me, Lady Katherine, but I must go and greet him. Perhaps you would like to come with me.’

Kate sent Frances a panicked look.

‘I promised Lady Katherine that I would help her dress for dinner,’ Frances said, with a smile. ‘I had not realised it had grown so late.’

‘There is plenty of time,’ the countess retorted, craning her neck for a better view of the courtyard. ‘Besides,’ she turned to face them now, with a sly smile, ‘I am sure you must be anxious to see your father.’

Frances closed her eyes.

‘My father?’ Kate whispered, growing pale.

‘Why, yes,’ Lady Buckingham replied scornfully. ‘I wonder that you look so amazed. You have expected him for long enough – as have we all.’ She looked from Kate to Frances, as if to make sure that her words had hit their mark, then swept past them and strode along the gallery.

Frances saw her own horror reflected in Kate’s eyes as they stared at each other, then hastened in her wake.


2 February

Frances shivered, cowering against the thick yew hedge, as if it might warm as well as conceal her. The chapel bell had long since struck the hour. Her fear that something had happened to prevent Lord Rutland from coming increased with every passing minute.

She knew they were taking a risk in meeting. Buckingham’s attendants had kept constant watch on them since Lord Rutland’s return to court. The marquess and his mother would not let him escape their clutches a second time – or his precious son. Kate had told her that her little brother was beginning to settle after the

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