Fall; or, Dodge in Hell - Neal Stephenson Page 0,278

and then another, and another. Her passion and the chaos that swirled about her lessened with each that came forth, and subsided well enough that they could all see what she had begotten: twelve souls, tiny and yet perfectly formed after the same general pattern as Adam and Eve. They spawned not as indistinct wisps but as embodied souls, clothed in skin and endowed with toes, fingers, and faces. The head of each was robed in an aura that ever darted out and shrank back.

The bringing forth of the twelve little ones was exhausting even for Adam, though he had little to do other than to look for ways to be of comfort to Eve and to carry out such other tasks as were recommended from time to time by Mab. The sprite for example lacked the strength to go and draw fresh water from the well of Camp but had the wit to sense when a drink or a bath would be of most benefit to Eve.

After the twelve had been brought forth they sought closeness with Eve, whose form was returning to the shape it had possessed when she and Adam had dwelled in the Garden. Most of the little ones were of a mind to sleep, as was Eve, and so Adam saw to it that they were covered and that the hearth was stoked, and went outside to the clearing in the middle of Camp to enjoy the fresh cold air. Night had fallen during the passion of Eve and stars shone brilliant and sharp in the firmament. Directly overhead in its slow transit was the Red Web, its distant fires flickering. Adam had the sense of being watched by a great eye. He diverted his gaze from this, much as he did when he was conscious of being looked on by Feller, and noticed the sprite emerging from the cabin and heading his way.

“It has come to pass as you predicted,” Adam remarked, “though it is a mystery to me how you can know such things.”

“It is a mystery to me as well,” Mab returned. “The knowledge does not seem to dwell in my mind as a thing I have learned. And yet when there is a need, I have some faculty for getting it.”

“Perhaps you could put it to use as regards forms,” Adam said. “This has been on my mind of late because of certain changes I have noticed from day to day among my crew. I have tended to put it out of mind because it troubles and perplexes me. But observing the twelve perfect little ones that Eve has made has brought it now to the forefront.”

“What is it you would know?” Mab asked.

“When we were ejected from the Garden I assumed that our forms would never change,” Adam said. “And indeed when we came to Elkirk, we were told by Lookseast that once a soul has adopted a mature form, it does not change thereafter. And yet when first I laid eyes on Edger I saw her as haughtier and more beautiful than she seems now, and I saw Bluff as being the biggest and strongest of all the souls of Eltown, nearly my equal. But I do believe that their forms have altered since they began to work every day in the crew of Feller. They have shrunk into themselves, become round-shouldered. Their heads hang and their eyes dart sidelong at things they would once look on squarely. People who have seen both of them say that Bluff seems now smaller than Thunk, who stands upright and springs about the deep forest with a light step.”

Mab flickered silently, as was its way when acquiring new knowledge. “You are correct,” it said finally. “There is almost no end to the changes a soul’s form might undergo, provided that the change from any one day to the next is slight.”

Adam shuddered. “One wonders what Bluff and Edger might end up looking like if they work under Feller for many years.”

“Or Feller himself, for that matter,” Mab remarked. “His form waxes.”

Adam nodded. “Indeed, at the beginning I saw him as of typical size. Now he seems bigger.”

“Your form changes too,” Mab informed him. “And not for the better.”

Adam was wounded by the remark but could only nod in agreement. “The first time I entered the porch of Walksfar, I had to duck under the edge of the roof. But I went there yesterday, and either I am of less stature or he

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