Faking Ms. Right (Dirty Martini Running Club #1) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,98

Do you remember the first night we slept in bed together?”


“I barely slept because all I could think about was how beautiful you were. How good you smelled. I kept wondering how I’d worked with you for years, but I’d never really seen you. But I know exactly why. I didn’t let myself see you. Not because you worked for me, although that was part of it. But mostly because deep down, I knew if I did, I’d fall for you. And that fucking terrified me.”

He glanced away again and rubbed his jaw. It seemed like he had more to say, so I waited, my heart in my throat.

“I’m sorry I overreacted when I found the contract. I should have listened to you.”

I nodded. “I’m sorry too. I’m sorry you found out the way you did. I never wanted to hurt you.”

He reached across the table and traced the back of my hand with his fingers. “I know you didn’t. Everly, thank you for everything. I asked you to turn your life upside down for me, and you did it. Regardless of whether you thought it might get me to agree to something else, you did it because you care so much about the people in your life. Even me, and I’d never done anything to deserve it. Thank you for your kindness to my dad. For coming into my world and injecting color. Maybe this sounds stupid, but your sunshine warmed my cold soul, and I’ll always be grateful for that.”

“Shepherd, I’m not moving to Miami.”


“You sound like you’re trying to say goodbye, but I’m not staying here. I told Cameron I wasn’t sure about relocating. She said the foundation can be headquartered anywhere. We’re opening the office in Seattle.”

He stared at me for a long moment, his mouth slightly open, brow furrowed. Without saying a word, he rose and took my hand, gently pulling me to my feet. He tilted my chin up and looked down at me with those gorgeous blue eyes.

“Everly,” he said, his voice soft and low. “I love you. Please come home.”

My eyes stung with tears and I squeezed them shut. Relief poured through me. He’d said it. It was real. Shepherd Calloway loved me.

“I love you, too.”

And there it was. That smile. The one that showed his perfect teeth and puckered his adorable dimples. The smile he never gave anyone else. The one he saved for me.

“I wasn’t trying to say goodbye,” he said, caressing my cheek. “Not exactly. I was formulating a plan B. Wondering how long it would take to buy a private jet. I wasn’t going to let you get away so easily.”

I smiled and he leaned down to seal his lips over mine. I melted against him, tossing my arms around his neck. He wrapped me in his strong arms and lifted me off my feet.

“Congratulations,” he whispered into my ear. “I’m so proud of you.”



I already knew Sophie was perfect.

Shepherd and I had interviewed several other candidates for my replacement, but from the moment Sophie had walked into the room, I’d known. Why? The fact that she hadn’t balked when Shepherd stared at her, like a scary unblinking robot, while she introduced herself said a lot.

We’d interviewed a guy this morning who’d wilted so fast under Shepherd’s gaze, we hadn’t even gotten to the questions before he’d excused himself. His hands had been shaking so badly, he’d barely been able to get the door open. And he hadn’t come back.

I’d almost told Shepherd to tone it down—he was scaring away the good applicants. But I’d thought better of it. Whoever we hired was going to have to face those cold blue eyes on a regular basis. If they didn’t have the spine to stare him down in an interview, they’d never last as his assistant.

Sophie was holding her own.

Her dark blond curls were pulled up in the cutest bun, and she wore a tasteful blue dress with a cream cardigan that looked great on her curvy frame. She smiled pleasantly and quickly adjusted her glasses.

“I think that’s all the questions we have for you,” I said. “Shepherd, do you have anything else?”

“No.” He pushed her resume toward me, picked up his phone, and started checking his messages.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. But Sophie didn’t seem fazed. She reminded me a little bit of—well, me. I had a feeling she was the type of girl who came across as nice and sweet, which made people underestimate

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