Faking Ms. Right (Dirty Martini Running Club #1) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,72

and her cheeks flushed pink.

Before I could give her any commands, she came over to my desk. The fire in her eyes filled me with curiosity. Wondering what she was about to do, I stayed silent. Watching.

She licked her lips again and sank down to her knees in front of me. Just the anticipation, the way she traced a finger down my zipper, her eyes never leaving mine, had me achingly hard. She took her time, slowly unfastening my pants. Lowering my zipper.

“Mm,” she said, pulling my underwear down. “What could I do with this?”

Grabbing me at the base, she drew her tongue up the outside of my shaft. My eyes rolled back and I groaned, low in my throat. She licked me a few more times, slowly dragging her tongue up my cock. Tracing the tip.

“Fuck, Everly.”

“Shh.” A quick flick of her tongue made me groan again. “We have to be quiet.”

I’d have happily done just about anything in that moment to get her to suck my dick. If quiet was what she wanted, quiet was what she’d get.

I was going to make her pay for it later, though.

She swirled her tongue around the tip and I nodded, keeping my mouth closed.

“Good.” She wrapped her fingers around the base again and slid my cock into her mouth.

Fuck, that felt good. She started shallow, squeezing me at the base while she sucked on the tip. Her mouth was slick and warm, her tongue sliding against the shaft each time she plunged down.

Swallowing back another groan, I let it out as a low growl. I couldn’t help it. Just the sight of her mouth around my hard length was fucking amazing.

She moved faster, taking in more of me each time. Plunging down on me. Deeper.

I slid my fingers in her hair and her eyes fluttered closed. Her soft moan reverberated through my body. I watched, playing with her soft tresses, while she worked my cock with her mouth. The pressure mounted, heat and tension building.

My hips moved with her rhythm, thrusting my cock into her mouth. She slid a hand beneath my shirt, splaying her palm across my ribs. Her fingers curled and I felt the sharp bite of her fingernails as she dug them into my skin.

Jerking my hips, I barely stifled a groan. My hand tightened in her hair and she clawed at me again, still plunging down on my cock. I watched it slide out of her mouth, glistening wet, my vision going hazy at the edges.

This was torture of the best kind. She took me deep into her wet mouth, the friction of her lips and tongue driving me crazy. Her hand slid higher, to my chest. Finding my nipple, she grabbed it between her finger and thumb and tugged—hard.

“Fuck,” I growled, unable to contain myself.

She picked up the pace, her head bobbing as she plunged down on me, over and over. I held her hair, mesmerized, on the brink of losing control. Right as her eyes lifted to meet mine, she grabbed my nipple again, tugging harder this time.

And I lost my fucking mind.

I exploded into her mouth, my cock pulsing as I came. It was so sudden, and so strong, it overwhelmed my senses. The waves of pleasure crashed through my body, leaving me helpless—totally at her mercy.

After I finished, she slid my dick out of her mouth while I blinked at the ceiling, utterly intoxicated. My head swam with endorphins. I could hardly think.

I took a deep breath and the world snapped back into focus. She was still on her knees, her hands on my thighs.

Her turn.

I cupped her chin and traced my thumb across her bottom lip. “That was fucking incredible.”

“Yeah, you—”

“Take your panties off.”

There was no room in my tone for anything but obedience. Eyes locked with mine, she stood. She didn’t try to take her skirt off first, just lifted it and slid her panties down her legs.

Good girl.

I unbuttoned her blouse and opened it just enough to get a taste of her tits. I nuzzled them, rubbing my thumbs across her nipples through the thin fabric of her bra. Pulling one side down, I flicked her nipple with my tongue a few times while I slid my hand up her inner thigh.

Her slit was wet and I felt her tremble as my fingers teased her soft skin.


Swiping my thumb over her clit, I shushed her. “Shh. We have to be quiet.”

She bit her lip, whimpering softly.

I pushed all the shit

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