Faking Ms. Right (Dirty Martini Running Club #1) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,59

in the air for me.

I reached forward and grabbed her hair, pulling her head back. “You dirty girl. You like it when I fuck you hard, don’t you?”

“So good,” she breathed.

I was on the brink of losing my mind. Driving into Everly from behind, pulling her hair, her ass cheeks pink from where I’d spanked her. Who knew this sweet girl was a dirty fucking sex goddess?

She clenched tight around me. I dropped her hair and reached between her legs to brush her clit with my fingertips. I was ready to explode, but I wasn’t finishing until I teased another orgasm out of her.

“Oh fuck,” she whimpered.

“That’s it, my dirty girl,” I murmured. “Fucking come again, baby.”

I rubbed her clit while I fucked her, my hips driving hard. The pressure intensified. She braced herself against the back of the couch, moaning with each thrust, her pussy so hot I could barely hold back.

“Yes, Everly,” I growled. “Come all over me, baby.”

Her whole body shuddered and her pussy clenched hard. I unleashed inside her, groaning as I finally hit sweet release. My cock pulsed, an overwhelming eruption, drowning all my senses. The orgasm reverberated through my whole body, like shockwaves after a blast.

By the time it was over, I was practically panting. I pulled out and ran my hands gently over the red marks on her ass. She glanced over her shoulder, her cheeks flushed, and bit her lip.

I caressed her ass again, then leaned down to kiss the red spots. She sighed, almost a purr, and I moved to the other side. Kissed her skin where I’d spanked her.

She rolled over and leaned her head back. “I have no idea what you just did to me.”

Still breathing hard, I took off the condom and tied it off, setting it aside. I’d clean up later. I sank down next to her. Gathered her in my arms. She tucked her legs up and leaned her head against my chest.

“I don’t know what you just did to me.”

I kissed the top of her head. Fuck, this was going to be complicated. Fake engagement but real sex? Very real sex. The realest sex I’d ever had.

But I couldn’t think about that now. I was too sex-drunk to think about much of anything.

She traced her fingers through my chest hair, then suddenly sat up. “Oh no. I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what?”

“I scratched you.” She leaned in and kissed a red mark on my chest.

I’d barely noticed. “It’s fine.”

“Did I hurt you?” She kissed my chest again.

“Baby, you can’t hurt me.”

She kissed me a few more times, then settled back against me. I felt her take a deep breath. “No one knows about this place, do they?”


“Like the band?”

“Yeah. Like the band.”

She nuzzled her face against me and tilted her chin up to kiss my neck. “Thank you for sharing it with me.”

“Mm hmm.”

I let my eyes drift closed, enjoying the feel of her in my arms. Her breathing was smooth and even, her body warm against mine. I hadn’t planned for any of this, which was decidedly unlike me.

But in this moment, basking in the glow of the best sex I’d ever had, I didn’t worry about that. It felt good to let go a little. And maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing after all.



My mind was not where it needed to be. I had a to-do list a mile long, but I sat at my desk, eyes unfocused. Head in the clouds.

Or, more specifically, on the couch in Shepherd’s secret hideaway.

I couldn’t stop thinking about him. What he’d looked like up on stage, his nimble fingers strumming his bass. What he’d felt like in the back seat of his car. The heat between us had been scorching. And it had only been the beginning.

Then he’d treated me to the best sex I’d ever had in my entire life.




I’d never had so many orgasms so close together. Despite Nora’s insistence that they were real, I’d always thought multiples were a myth.

But it wasn’t just the three orgasms in one night that made it amazing. It was… all of it. The bar. The band. The condo. The secrets he’d shared. The things I’d done, and the things I’d let him do to me. I’d felt a deep and undeniable connection to him—something I’d never experienced before.

Which meant I was a total mess today.

He’d been up for a conference call with someone in New York when I’d left this morning. When he’d come into the office, he’d

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