Fake (Madison Kate #3) - Tate James Page 0,99

I demanded, confused and turned-on and conflicted as hell.

Archer smirked. "You really think it's that easy? Stand there and listen to me bare my soul, say nothing in return, then expect to just move past it all with the best sex of your life?"

I glowered, seeing no issue with this sequence of events.

"Best sex of my life?" I taunted. "That's an awfully big claim, Sunshine. The things Kody and Steele do to me in the bedroom..." I broke off with a moan, torturing myself with the memory of them both together inside me.

Archer just scoffed. "I guess you'll never find out for sure." He paused, giving me a shrewd look. "Unless..."

My eyes narrowed. "Unless what?" Yes, I was taking the bait. I didn't even care at this point.

The corner of his mouth pulled up in a grin of victory. "Unless you can give me something back. Meet me halfway, Kate, and I'll blow your fucking mind."

My excitement soured, and the warm feeling in my belly turned cold. "I'm not telling you that I love you, Archer D'Ath. If that's what you're waiting for—"

"I'm not," he cut me off. "Not today, anyway. I've treated you like shit, and all of our damage doesn't just evaporate overnight."

Well, now I was suspicious. "So, what then?"

He wanted me to meet him halfway? I was barely past the desire to murder him in his sleep. Love was a long-ass way away. So what did he want from me?

His eyes locked on mine, studying me and seeming to peer straight through to my soul. "Kiss me, Princess."

My brow furrowed. Kiss him? It wasn't as simple as he made it sound. He wanted my confession through my actions, even if he was miles away from it verbally. He wanted me to show that I cared for more than just a hot, dirty fuck in the rain. He wanted... an emotional connection.

What. The. Fuck?

"I'm not interested in making love to you, Archer," I told him in a scathing tone, pulling away from his grip on my face. I expected his temper to flare at that clear refusal, but he just barked a laugh.

"Good," he replied. "I doubt I'm even capable of that. Believe me, Kate, I'll give you exactly what you crave so badly right now... but only if you kiss me first." His eyes glittered with challenge, and it whipped up the hot determination inside me once again.

Archer thought he was still in control. Apparently that's how our whole dynamic was going to work—him thinking he controlled every situation and me proving him wrong.

Bring it on, bitch.

Snaking my hand around the back of his neck, I pulled him closer to my height so I could reach without killing my neck. Even in heeled boots, he still had way too much height on me.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Sunshine," I advised him, quietly stalling while I drummed up the courage to give him what he wanted. My fingers threaded into the short hair at the base of his skull, gripping tight.

His eyes searched my face, taking in every tiny speck of my features. "Story of my life, Princess."

I released the breath I was holding, then tossed my insecurities out the window and closed the gap between us. My intention had been to kiss him quickly, just enough to fulfill his request, but the second our lips touched this time, it was like completing an electrical circuit. Sparks flew and a ripple of desire tore through me hard enough to make me shudder.

All my posturing crap evaporated, and I kissed him with all the pent-up frustration, anger, and heartbreak I'd been holding onto for far too long. His arms banded around me, his strong hands crushing my body to his as he kissed me back like I was his very breath. His kiss confirmed every truth he'd bared to me and begged my forgiveness.

It took far more effort than I ever could have anticipated to break free, but when I did, Archer let out a groan of frustration.

"Happy?" I asked with my chest heaving and my heart on fire.

He swiped his tongue across his lower lip like he was savoring the taste of my kiss. "Deliriously," he replied, his voice husky and dripping in lust.

I bit my own lip, knowing I was playing with fire in the best possible way. "Well then, what are you waiting for?" His brows hitched, and I decided I needed to spell it the fuck out. "Fuck me like you own me, Archer D'Ath."


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