Fake (Madison Kate #3) - Tate James Page 0,92

So much more tempting. Because we were both naked, and it'd be so, so easy to just...

"Well, luckily I was done. All yours, Sunshine." Because holy hell, I needed to abort mission before I made a fool of myself. Again.

I tried to exit the shower, but he stopped me with a firm hand on the back of my neck. A surprised squeak escaped me as he yanked me backward, spinning me around under the shower spray and crushing his lips to mine.

Shock prevented me from kneeing him in the balls, then lust stopped me from pulling away. He kissed exactly the way I remembered. Full of dominance, passion, and desperate desire. It was the sort of kiss that simultaneously turned me to jelly and filled me with fire.

Eventually, I shoved him away, losing a few strands of hair in the process. My breathing was harsh and my lips burned with the heat of his kiss in the best possible way, but I glared death at him nonetheless.

"You can drop the act, Kate," he told me on a mocking laugh. "I know you want me. I think it's pretty fucking hard to deny how much I want you too." He quirked a brow, and I bit my lip to avoid taking the bait.

Pulling a lungful of air, I let it out with a low chuckle, stepping closer to him. My hard nipples brushed against his chest, and my fingers curled around the hard evidence in question, drawing a sharp inhale from Archer.

"Sunshine," I all but purred, letting all the lust and wanting he'd stirred up in me show in my eyes. "You want to fuck me now? After all those chances you’ve had, now you want to fuck me?" My fingers tightened around his shaft, and I gave him a slow stroke.

His breath hitched. "You know you want it too."

"That easy, huh? I know your dirty secret, and now there's nothing stopping you from going balls deep in my cunt." I leaned in closer still, rising up on my toes so my lips could brush against his. Teasing. "You forgot one thing, though."

A pained groan escaped his throat as I gave his cock another firm stroke. He was huge, no point in denying that, and my pussy was throbbing with heat just imagining how he'd feel filling me up.

"Oh yeah?" he replied, his tongue running over his lower lip. "What's that?"

I pressed forward, kissing him properly this time and feeling his dick swell in my hand. Sucker.

Breaking away, I brought my lips as close to his ear as I could reach.

"I don't fuck desperate, D'Ath. Finish yourself off." Releasing him, I gave him a small shove against the tiled wall and stepped out of the shower for real this time.

He must have been in shock because I managed to snag a towel and retreat all the way to my bedroom before the sound of his laughter echoed through my apartment. Fucking psychopath.

By the time he emerged, dressed in his clothes from the night before, I was already changed and ready to go, thanks to the drawer full of new underwear that Steele must have provided. I was also stepping up my asshole game just a little bit.

"What exactly are you doing?" Archer demanded, squinting at me like he was in physical pain. He had to raise his voice to be heard, so I just smiled back at him a moment longer before turning the blender off.

"Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you over the blender."

He glared daggers. That hangover must really be kicking his ass. Or maybe he was sour about those blue balls.

"What the fuck are you making?" he asked, his voice underscored with a growl.

I looked at the blender that I'd just been cranking at high power. "Oh this? Absolutely nothing." I popped the lid off and dumped the crushed ice into my sink. "Ready to go?"

His glower said it all, and I didn't even bother hiding my smug smile. It wasn't my fault he was hungover, but I'd damn well make it more painful if I could. Because taking shots at each other, trading insults and cutting remarks, that was our safe place. Without that, I was terrified of where it left the two of us. After all the things he'd confessed...

Hell, he may not even remember half of those. Maybe they weren't even true.

I knew they were, though. Undeniably.

Throwing on my coat, I grabbed my phone, keys and wallet, then sat on the edge of my

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