Fake (Madison Kate #3) - Tate James Page 0,149

that, Kodiak Jones?"

A sly smile lit his lips, and he leaned in closer, his mouth hovering just over mine. "Because every time I look at this marble countertop, I see you splayed out across it, gloriously naked with my cock buried deep inside you."

Oh yeah. That was a pretty good reason. My thighs tightened involuntarily, and my nipples hardened against Steele's band T-shirt that I'd borrowed.

Instead of kissing me—or the whole lot more I was picturing—he moved away again. "Did you want to go back to the hospital to see Bree? Our team hasn't found Scott yet, so I'd rather you didn't leave the house without one of us, okay?"

"Totally fine by me," I agreed, spinning back around on my seat to finish my bowl of sugary cereal. "But Dallas already sent me a message saying they wouldn't be letting non-family see her today."

Kody gave me a sympathetic look. "Did he say how she was? Has she woken up at all?"

I shook my head. "Didn't sound like it. He's been there all day, and the nurses will probably kick him out soon. So he’ll go home and shower, then stop by here to update us."

He nodded. "Sounds normal. I'm sure she'll pull through okay. Brianna Graves is one tough chick, and you know it."

I sighed. Was she, though? Or was she just a normal girl who didn't deserve all this bad shit heaping on top of her?

"Do you guys have plans tonight? I just withdrew from SGU, so I'm officially homework free, I think." I finished the last spoonful of Froot Loops, then pushed my bowl aside to focus on coffee.

Kody slid onto the stool beside me, still waiting for his pasta to heat through. "You withdrew? How come?"

"Well, for one thing, they threatened academic probation. For another, my head's not in it. It seems completely insane to me, spending all that time, money, and effort on a degree that doesn't have your total dedication and passion. Right? So, I figured that when this craziness is all over, when Scott is dealt with and my hit has been cancelled... maybe then I can reevaluate my life goals and pick something that fits my new version of life." I shrugged and sighed heavily. "Maybe nothing at all. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? I might decide I just want to lurk around here and pick fights with Archer all day, every day."

I was teasing, but Kody groaned. "Please don't. I'm pretty sure he's just fucked up enough to think of that as the best kind of foreplay."

How right he was.

"Well, if we're not going back to the hospital, then I'm going to smack Arch around the gym a bit. I canceled my clients for the day so I can give him my full attention." He gave me a wicked grin, and I shook my head, smiling.

"You're a sadist, you know that?" My mind flickered back to that night we'd reconciled, how he'd bound my wrists with his belt as he fucked me hard. Yeah, come to think of it... there was a definite sadistic edge to all three of my boys.

Luckily, I didn't mind a little pain with my pleasure, or this all could have ended in tears.

Kody just snickered, not disagreeing with me. "Well, you're welcome to come hang out in the gym with us. I promise we won't wear anything except shorts and sweat."

I groaned. "Tempting. So freaking tempting. But these painkillers have me all fucked up. I might end up trying to drag you guys into a four-way right there on the gym floor and really do some damage."

He wrinkled his nose. "You're probably right. We can wait until you heal up properly." He winked, and I gave a short laugh.

"Well anyway," I continued, "I think I'm just going to have a hot date with the couch and some Netflix. Maybe some Chinese takeout if I'm feeling crazy."

He leaned over and pressed a kiss to my shoulder where Steele's T-shirt had slipped down. "That... also sounds tempting. But I might go crazy if I miss another day in the gym. Can you just come get me for the Chinese and ice cream part of the night?"

I raised my brows at him. "Who said ice cream was invited to this party?"

"Babe, of course it is.” He laughed. “Do we have a deal?"

I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Deal." I hopped off my seat, carrying my dishes over to the sink, then blew Kody a kiss as I left

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