Fake (Madison Kate #3) - Tate James Page 0,140

when you were betrayed by the three of us. He offered you friendship when we hurt you, and if that all turned out to be fake?" He gave me a pained smile. "I never want to see you hurting, Hellcat. Not physically." He indicated the fact that we were currently in a hospital bed. "Or emotionally. Scott turning out to be a stalker? That'd be a tough blow."

I gave a faint nod, as much as my aching neck would allow, and swallowed heavily. He was right, as per usual. But the sick feeling of dread churning inside me said that result was inevitable. Scott wasn't the nice guy I'd met in Aspen. That version of him was quickly showing as totally and undeniably fake.

The doctor came to see me a few minutes later, and Steele moved aside to let them run their tests. He answered a call from Archer at some point, updating him in low tones about where we were and what my doctor had said so far.

Eventually I was given some heavy painkillers for my aches and released. The diagnosis was mild whiplash, a concussion, and some severe bruising across my neck, chest, and lower body from the seat belt. All in all, I was insanely lucky.

"You should stay the night here," Steele commented again as I filled in the discharge form and signed my name. "The doctor said your concussion needed observation for at least twelve hours."

I shot him a warning glare. "He also said that could be done from home. I'm not staying the night here, Max. Let it go."

He glowered back at me, not even remotely letting it go. "You're not going home, though. You're going to sit in the waiting room on uncomfortable plastic chairs for fuck knows how long until Bree gets out of surgery."

I gave a tiny shrug, then winced. My painkillers needed longer to kick in properly. "So what? Sitting on a plastic chair sure as fuck won't kill me. And it's an incentive not to fall asleep, right?"

Steele scowled, but I handed the discharge forms over to the nurse and slid off the bed gingerly. He was still frowning as he helped me tie my shoes back on, then wrapped a gentle arm around me to walk back out to the waiting room.

Dallas was already there, sitting with his head clasped in his hands, so I took the seat directly beside him. Neither of us spoke, but after a moment, he reached out and took my hand in his, squeezing comfortingly.

Steele—despite his protests about me staying in the waiting room—went over to the drink dispenser and cranked out a cup of coffee for each of us, then took the seat directly opposite me, his knees deliberately touching mine.

I released Dallas's hand so I could sip my coffee, then almost choked on it. "Damn, that's bad," I spluttered, wincing as the bitter taste assaulted my tongue. I still took another sip, though. Coffee was coffee when you'd been through a car crash and gunfight over lunchtime.

Dallas gave a small smile. "You're such a coffee snob, Katie."

I didn't argue with him on that. Steele just gave me a lopsided grin, then turned back to his phone again.

"Boys are on their way," he told us. "Cleanup is finished."

Dallas gave a small grunt of surprise. "That was quick for a scene that public. You guys must have some serious help on your books."

Steele's answering grin was smug. "Hades owed us a favor."

Dallas replied with an understanding sound, like that explained it all. I was totally lost as to how that mess could be taken care of without Kody being arrested for eight murder charges, but then again, I apparently had very little understanding of where the power truly sat in Shadow Grove.

Or maybe I did understand; I was just having a hard time wrapping my head around it all.

"Have you heard anything about Bree?" I asked Dallas in a small voice, desperate to hear something, but he shook his head.

"No," he replied, sounding mournful. "They won't tell me anything because I'm not family. Just that she's in surgery."

Steele frowned. "Give me a minute, I'll sort it out." He started to get up from his seat, then hesitated.

"I'm fine here," I assured him, knowing exactly what his pause was about. "I won't move from this seat, and Dallas has got my back, right?" I gave him a gentle tap with my elbow, and he nodded.

Steele still looked uncertain, but sighed. "I'll be quick and right

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