Fake (Madison Kate #3) - Tate James Page 0,14


"You ever train anyone else?" I asked him on our way back to our apartment building after our session. "You're good at it."

Cass quirked a scarred brow at me. "A few."

He didn't elaborate, so I didn't push for answers. I'd never seen him speak to anyone other than me while we were there; he mostly just did his own thing while keeping an eye on me. So I could assume he wasn't currently training anyone else.

Outside our building, a familiar white convertible was parked with my perky, brunette friend leaning against the door.

"MK, babe! We're late. Did you forget?" Bree raised a brow at my appearance, all sweaty and exhausted, then eyed Cass with leering suspicion.

"Cut it out," Cass growled. "I don't fuck children." He stomped off inside, and I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously, Bree? We clearly just came from the gym. Not to mention he's probably got a good fifteen years on us." I glared at her, and she just shrugged.

"No judgments here," she replied with a grin. "He's hot. I'd do him... if I wasn't already taken."

I sighed, parking my hands on my hips. "Dinner and movies in Rainybanks. I had forgotten, sorry." How I'd managed that, I had no idea. Bree had literally reminded me less than three hours ago when she dropped me home from school. "Give me like five minutes to change."

My friend wrinkled her nose. "Maybe take ten. It's supposed to be a double date; you could put in, like, a fraction of effort."

I groaned heading into my building and pushed the call button for the elevators. "It's not a fucking double date, Bree. It can't be when Scott and I aren't dating."

Stepping into the elevator with me, she snorted a laugh. "Okay, sure, how's that denial going for you, MK? Because you're literally the only person who believes you're not dating. He's been all freaking over you this week."

Irritation welled up in me, and all the work I'd just done on the punching bag flew out the window. Scott had been acting like we were a couple all week, but I'd also been letting him. I’d thought he understood it was only in public and only for the sake of Kody and Steele... and Archer. But she was right. Scott wasn't getting the message.

"I'll have a chat with him tonight," I muttered as I unlocked my apartment and let her inside. "Kody said he'd hold off the dogs for now, but I think we both know that will have an expiration date."

"So what?" Bree shrugged. "You warned him. I warned him. Fucking Steele warned him when he slammed his face into a wall on day one. If he wants to stick his neck on the line over some misguided hope that you'll wake up tomorrow and realize he's your soulmate, let him. You need people on your team, MK. No matter what their reasons are."

"Disagree," I called out as I headed through to my bedroom to find some clothes. "I don't want to lead him on, Bree. He's been a good friend to us so far, but I get the feeling he could turn into a nasty enemy."

Bree wandered into my room and flopped down on the bed. "True. Okay fine, tone down the sexy tonight, and I'll make plenty of pointed comments about what great friends you are. There's no reason for him to be all handsy unless one of your guys is around."

I rolled my eyes at her calling them my guys... but I also couldn't stop the flutter of possession in my gut. Yeah, I was mad as hell, but they were still mine to punish.

Agreeing, I grabbed all my fresh clothes and took a lightning-fast shower to rinse off the sweat from my boxing session with Cass. I put minimal effort into my makeup—I would have skipped it completely, but in the back of my mind there was that possibility that one of the guys would see me. They did have a talent for showing up wherever I was.

Once I was dressed, Bree and I headed out of the building, only to run into Zane and another guy on their way in.

"Madison Kate," Archer's brother greeted me with a predatory smile. "You look nice. Hot date with the preppy kid, huh?"

My brows shot up. "You been watching me, Zane?"

His grin spread wider. "Of course. I keep eyes on all my assets."

A chill ran through me. That's exactly how he saw me, and I shouldn't forget it. I was an asset,

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