Fake Boyfriend - Miley Maine Page 0,51

used and held it to the door. It was such a basic trick, but it really did work to amplify the sound of voices and I’d used it more than once when I didn’t have equipment.

I could hear Douglas talking. Now that he was in his room, he wasn’t even trying to keep his voice down. “You said he wouldn’t squeal. Now you’re telling me that he’s threatening to turn us in if we don’t do what he wants?”

What the hell? Someone was threatening him?

There was a long pause, and then Douglas was talking even louder, and even faster. “I know I said that. But I was wrong, okay? There were complications.”

I heard him make a loud sighing sound. “I have an idea. Meet me at Crystal Lake Point in twenty minutes.”

That was only about five miles from here. Whatever he was up to, it must have been pretty fucking important for him to be worrying about it on his wedding day. I thought about following him, but I didn’t want to leave Loren here, unprotected.

I needed to tell her that something was up with her cousin’s weird-ass husband. This time I just had to find a way to make her listen.

Chapter Eighteen


After snapping what might have been thousands of photos, I needed a break. I told my cousin I was handing the camera over to my mother for safe keeping, who would delight in taking a few off-center photos, and then I went to find Jackson.

After his bizarre tirade about Douglas, I hadn’t talked to him again. He’d disappeared for a few minutes, and then he’d come back, glaring daggers at anyone who came near him.

I slipped my hand around his trim waist, which looked really good with the expensive cut of his suit. “Come on, my fake boyfriend, let’s dance.”

“I thought you had to work all night,” he grumbled.

I kissed his cheek. “You’re grumpy just like a real boyfriend would be.” He did crack a smile at that, so I wrapped my arms around his waist, tugging him toward the dance floor as the band started up a slow song. “I’ve got a reprieve from taking photos.”

“For how long?” he asked.

“Fifteen minutes.”

“Not very much of a reprieve.”

“So let’s take advantage. We’re on the coast, at a wedding, and it’s very romantic. It’s the perfect time for a fake boyfriend to dance with his fake girlfriend,” I said.

He laughed, and his sexy chuckle turned me on, just like most of the things he did. He followed me onto the dance floor, and then he took over, just like he did in bed. And I liked it, a lot. We didn’t do any fancy dance steps, but he knew how to sway to the music at the right beat. I laid my head on his shoulder, and his hand came to rest on my lower back.

“If I pull you any closer, these pants are going to burst,” he said into my ear.

“Turned on again?” I asked.

“Around you? Always.”

I pressed my body a little closer and brushed against his erection. “We could sneak off into the woods.”

“I do like fucking you against a tree,” he said. But then he stepped back. “I need to talk to you. I was just about to come find you when you showed up to dance, but I figured dancing would look more natural.”

“Find me for what? This isn’t going to be more nonsense about my cousin’s brand new husband, is it?” I knew Jackson was a trained soldier. I didn’t want to discount that, or disrespect him. But he’d been having nightmares. What if he was just projecting, and being paranoid? “Because I don’t want to hear it.”

“Not wanting to hear it doesn’t change the truth,” he said.

“Don’t patronize me. You know how I feel about that.”

He ground his teeth. “Then be an adult and listen to me.”

That stung too. But I would hear him out, just to prove that I wasn’t being childish and refusing to even hear what he had to say. “Okay. I’m listening.”

He pulled me closer. “Don’t react like you’re mad. It’ll draw anyone’s eye. Dance with me again.”

I resisted rolling my eyes. The music sped up to a hit song from the sixties, and people started doing their best imitations of popular dances from that time period, like the shimmy and the twist, so there was a whole lot more commotion on the dance floor. That ought to make Jackson happy. I really did adore him, but he was like

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