Fae's Deception - M. Lynn Page 0,75

will kill my brother for his part in this,” Lochlan snarled.

“A week ago?” Brea’s small voice broke the tension between them.

“Do you know something?” Finn came to her side. “Anything that might help us find the princess?”

Brea counted the days since the night she escaped Fargelsi. It felt like a lifetime ago, but it was no more than seven days ago. “Griffin left on an unexpected mission for Regan just before the farewell banquet for the Iskalt delegation. The timing would be about right.”

“If he took her, she’ll be in the dungeons by now.” Lochlan ran a frustrated hand through his hair as he turned toward Brea. She suddenly felt like a dirty and travel-worn sloth. Wrapping her threadbare blanket around her like a shawl to cover her stained clothes she glanced at the distraught queen.

“Brea Robinson. It’s lovely to meet you.” Faolan took an awkward step forward. “I am sorry for everything you’ve been through at the Fargelsi court. That was never my intention. I had hoped to bring you here safely and avoid such confusion altogether. I’m sure you have many questions for me, but now is not the time. We must see to my daughter.”

“I do.” Brea gave a half-hearted curtsy. “Have questions, I mean.” She was suddenly feeling lightheaded and a little woozy.

Finn reached out to catch her as she stumbled, and her shawl-blanket fell away from her arm.

“Lochlan, she’s hurt.” The queen gasped. “What happened?”

“We had a run in with some of my uncle’s men. It seems the Fargelsi queen will stop at nothing to get her hands on both women. Brea was injured and suffered an infection.”

“Finn, get her inside. I’ll call the healers to see to her.” Faolan ran back up the steps. “Lochlan, meet me in the throne room in twenty minutes.” The tiny queen barked orders as Finn swept Brea up in his arms. “Rowena, see to the girl.”

Finn carried her inside the palace residence where a servant woman waited to escort them to what would be Brea’s rooms. Inside, the palace was cool and shady with fresh breezes flowing from room to room. Brea heard the splash of fountains and birds chirping throughout the great hall. It was like one big garden with walls and doors open to the outside.

“In here, Sir Finn.” The servant woman rushed to open a pair of double doors. “Let’s get the Lady Brea settled and comfortable.” She bustled about the room, opening windows and fussing with the curtains.

Finn set her on a mahogany settee with a needlepoint cushion. Sweeping the hair back from her face, he crouched before her. “Are you feeling okay?”

She nodded, staring around the room. “Just tired and a bit overwhelmed.”

“I need to speak with the queen. Rowena will take good care of you.” She could sense his urgency to get rid of her so he could find out the details of Alona’s situation.

“Go, I’ll be fine.” She hugged the blanket around her shoulders.

He didn’t hesitate, and a moment later Brea found herself alone with a new servant.

“Would you like a cool bath, my Lady?”

“Please call me Brea. And yes, a bath sounds wonderful.”

“Oh, I couldn’t do that, my Lady. It wouldn’t be proper.” Rowena stared at Brea with tears in her eyes before she darted into an adjoining room to see to Brea’s bath.

Suddenly she felt like she was back at square one, and she really missed Neeve. Her rooms were every bit as nice as the ones she’d had in Fargelsi, but the decor was like a different world—which she supposed was fairly accurate. Brea stood to explore her surroundings. Rich dark wood furniture filled the sitting room and silk fabrics billowed in the windows that faced the canyon. A small balcony overlooked the courtyard below. Just off the sitting room was a bedroom with the most enormous bed she’d ever seen. Big windows let the sunlight in to shine on the bed.

A small dark room occupied the back of the suite. Brea peeked into the room and was greeted with a burst of cool air. It was a grotto carved into the canyon walls. This would be the best place to retreat during the hottest part of the day. There was even a daybed there for napping.

“Lady Brea, your bath is ready,” Rowena called from the sitting room.

“Thank you.” She followed the servant with the round, sweet face into a garden room with open skies and leafy green plants. A sunken bathtub the size of a pool occupied

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